Annabeth x Reader (Why didn't you tell me?)

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Hey guys! This one is a request from @mayfxxldip, so thanks to her for requesting! This one, while being a hurtfic, is short(er) and sweet.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Second Person POV:

"Get out of the way!" Clarisse yelled at you. She gave you a hard shove and you almost fell off the wall. What wall, I hear you ask? The lava wall.

You lost grip in your right hand, and you were just barely hanging on with your left. You feet were dangling 30 (98 feet) metres in the air. Your arm hairs were so close to the lava, they burned off.

"OI! NO PUSHING, CLARISSE!" You heard Chiron yell from below.

"TOO LATE NOW, ISN'T IT?" Said girl bellowed back. She was just above you, using your face as a stool to push herself up. You finally lost your grip and started hurtling to the ground. 

"SOMEONE CATCH HER!" You heard someone yell. Before anyone could to anything, the poor h/c haired girl crashed to the floor, and you landed directly on your ankle, before smacking your head against the hard soil. You could hear strangled cries from the crowd, but you weren't conscious long enough to realise who it was that came rushing towards you.

A few days later

Light flooded your eyes as you blinked them open.

"Oh hey, you're awake!" You heard a cheery voice exclaim. You turned your head to look at the one who spoke, seeing a bright (literally, he was glowing. It was quite dark in the room) Will, rushing towards you with a big smile. Using your brilliant detective skills, you deduced you were in the infirmary.

"What the hell happened-" You cut yourself off as you took the blanket off your legs. Your left ankle was wrapped in a thick layer of bandages, and was propped up on a mountain of pillows. "Broken?"

Will hummed in agreement. "Clarisse pushed you off the lava wall. You fell and broke you ankle, also getting a serious concussion. Nectar did the trick, though. You'll be healed in a few days, but you need to take it easy for the next two weeks. Holler if you need me." 

With that, he left. You slumped back onto the pillows, closing your eyes and sighing. Thank gods  that Annabeth was away on a quest. You had been dating for about a year, and she always over-reacted with these kinds of things. For now, all you could do was wait.

When Annabeth is back, you're out of the infirmary

"Y/N! Come train with me!" Annabeth tried to pull you out of bed, but you, being the couch potato (sorry, you guys are all amazing <3) you are, groaned in response.

"Why train when sleep is so much better?" You grumbled. Annabeth huffed, and pulled gently on your previously injured ankle. You let out a pained yelp, recoiling quickly. Annabeth froze.

"What's wrong?" She asked sternly. "What did you do?"

You sat up, looking at your feet. 

"Ibrokemyanklewhileyouweregone," you mumbled quickly. Annabeth raised an eyebrow, her hands on her hips. You sighed. 

"I broke my ankle while you were gone."

"Oh..." Annabeth breathed. She sat down next to you, and put her warm hand on your cold ones. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you thinking I was weak. I took a measly little fall off the lava wall-"

"You WHAT?" Annabeth shrieked. Wincing, you sighed again.

"Clarisse pushed me off the lava wall. I fell, and broke my ankle while getting a concussion. I didn't tell you 'cause you'd been through so much worse, and you get all scared about this stuff, and I didn't want you to think I was weak, okay?" You exploded.

Annabeth's eyes filled with remorse. "Y/N, I'll never think you're weak. I promise. You okay?"

You looked up, meeting her grey eyes with your e/c ones. "I am now."

Ahhh sorry I took ages to update! I hope you enjoyed reading this oneshot, thanks again to @mayfxxldip for requesting! 

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