Jason x Reader (Adieu)

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Hi guys, so so sorry I haven't posted in AGES. I have had this idea for a while but haven't done anything about it and I apologise ❤️. This one is so short, and I'm sorry againnnn. My English homework took all my creative thinking.


Y/N's POV (second person)

"JASON!" You screamed as a poisonous fang sliced through your leg. The beast it belonged to, the Chimaera, ripped it's head back, taking a chunk of your calf with it. Crimson red blood spilled onto the bright green grass of the forest you were in, and you collapsed, breathing heavily. "JASON!"

Jason whipped his head back around, momentarily pausing his battle with a cyclops.

"LEO! TAKE OVER!" He bellowed to the brown haired boy who was standing aside, fixing one of the Argo II's cannons. Leo quickly looked up, and subbed in for Jason, continuing the fight with the cyclops. Jason then sprinted to your side, skidding to the floor on his knees and resting your head on his lap.

"No, no no no no. You'll be okay, I promise," he wept.

"Jason stop it. You know I won't be okay. My whole calf is missing for god's sake," you croaked. The amount of blood you were losing was making you dizzy and nauseous, but you knew it wasn't able to be helped. "I wanted to say I love you."

Jason and you had been dating for two years. They had been the best two years of your life. Jason had been the best boyfriend you could imagine. But you knew it was your time to leave.

When you said those three little words, Jason knew that you were saying goodbye. Not for a day, or a week, but forever.

"D-Don't say that... stop saying that..." He sobbed, tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry. Adieu." Your eyes closed, and your breathing halted.

(A/N Adieu is a French word, roughly meaning 'I'll see you again in heaven')

You had died.

Third person POV

No, no, no, no, no! She couldn't die! Not yet! Jason thought. He ran back to the Argo II, flying on board to get ambrosia and nectar. Jason knew, deep down, that it was too late to save Y/N, but he was going to try anyway.

He failed.

Time skip to the Burning Maze (I forgot how the scene goes, so this is roughly it)

Schink! A spear imbedded itself in Jason's back, right between his shoulder blades. His breathing stopped for a second as he processed what happened. He could hear Caligula's faint maniacal laugh, and he fell forward to the floor.

"NO!" Jason could hear Piper's strangled cry. She ran towards him. Black spots appeared in his eyes, the scenery going blurry. 

"GO! Remember!" Jason yelled at Lester (Apollo), Meg and Piper. His eyes shut for the last time, and he drifted into the afterlife. When he opened his eyes again, the first sight he saw were your beautiful e/c eyes, staring back at him.

"Adieu, Y/N," he whispered.

"Adieu, Jason," Y/N smiled. She held out a hand. "Shall we?"

Ahhhh finished! Again, so so sorry for not posting for a while! School has been crazy.

Love you all! Mwah mwah mwah ❤️❤️❤️

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