Danger in Sarion

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Rimuru POV

I used <Spatial Transportation> to reach the old Eurazania ruins where MEI was dropped into the blizzard so she could find a way to thaw the ice around Sakura first. I dropped everyone at a short distance from the blizzard but Velzard, Milim, and Kalpas weren't the only ones there.

"Tch, you're earlier than I expected. But it's too late now. Milim, use your power to destroy the Sacred Tree!" Feldway ordered

He had a completely different appearance than before so I almost couldn't recognize him and I could sense an overwhelming strength in his body. Kevin was ready to strike at any time but my focus was on Milim. Her ominous form was more obvious now that we witnessed it in person. On her back was a pair of jet-black wings. A single red horn sprouted from her forehead and glowed with iridescent colors. The rest of her bare skin was covered with hard, shining dragon scales of dully changing hues, with mysterious patterns floating on them.

That's some power... This must be her true 'Stampede' form. No, but wait... If Feldway is giving orders to Milim, then...

<The <<Regalia Dominion>> was an ability of the Ultimate Skill <<Justice King, Michael>>. It seems that Feldway has succeeded in controlling Milim. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like he has complete control. Even though Feldway has turned the entire calculation domain over to Milim's control, it seems that he is only able to issue simple commands. Because Milim's control is unstable, he may be inflexible. Or perhaps he wants to prioritize the destruction of the Sacred Tree. It is completely unexpected. The fact that she went out of control means she must have lost her ability to resist... If we let Milim run berserk, the world is in danger of collapsing. However, to remove that worry with <<Regalia Dominion>>... is a very bad gamble.>

That does sound bad...!

Feldway already left after giving the order but the problem now was Milim, who seemed to really have been put under Feldway's control and was now on her way toward the Sacred Tree that Feldway talked about.

"We're chasing after them!" I shouted as Guy and Kevin followed behind me, "Kalpas, don't give chase! Stay with MEI!"

Usually, Kalpas wouldn't listen to me if he set his mind on a target but this time, even he was going to reach his limit with how much damage he was taking on purpose to try to stop the rampaging Milim. With a click of his tongue, he managed to get out of the melee and fly into the blizzard while we continued our chase.

So what is this Sacred Tree that Feldway is talking about?

<It is a divine tree that protects the capital of the Sorcerer's Dynasty of Sarion. It is a tree large enough to hold even a huge city and seems to play a role in stabilizing the magicules of this world and preventing natural disasters.>

"That bastard Feldway... he's as sly as ever." Guy complained as I turned to him slightly, "I'm just wondering if it turned out to be a good decision to let you take me along."

I silently agreed with him and turned to continue flying after Milim as Guy flew in front of Velzard. My calls to Elmesia weren't connecting so something must be happening there too. I used small attacks to try to put Milim's attention on me, but even that wasn't working.

... Kevin! Launch your skill!

Kevin nodded quietly and he finally activated the skill that we were hesitant about releasing, "... <Anchor of Destruction>!"

The <Anchor of Destruction> was a mass of destructive force that brings about any kind of disaster to the point Kevin situates the skill on. This time, it was all focused on Milim. I could tell that even he was limiting this power since a full-powered one would also inevitably shake the world, which would be as dangerous as Milim's rampage. So now, meteorites, lava, whatever that could be considered destructive forces of nature were assaulting Milim from every direction but even that wasn't able to faze her.

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