Activities in the Labyrinth

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-Cardinal World, Labyrinth Control Room- -An hour before-

Benimaru POV

After returning to Tempest with Souei, I was greeted with the news of Lady Rimuru's disappearance. There was a sense of loss before but I didn't want to believe it until I was told of the news. This caused the executives who could still move to gather, even the responsible Testarossa had dropped all business in Ingracia to rush back to Tempest. Even when the facts were right in front of me, I still had to confirm...

"Is it true that Rimuru-sama has disappeared?" I asked grimly as I looked at Souei

He nods at me and responds with a voice filled with regret, "Yeah, I'm sure... There was no room for me to be in the escort..."

The silence in the room was deafening. I could tell that even Lady Ramiris couldn't believe her ears, almost like she was about to burst into tears, even Treyni, Beretta, Charys, and Elle were quiet. Suddenly, a desk shatters with a roaring thud.

"This happened while I was with her..." Souei lamented in anger, having been the one who shattered the desk

"Everyone, 'please' calm down." Aponia's soft voice permeated in the room and I could feel a wave of power wash over me, "... I trust that girl. She wouldn't have lost the way she did without a reason."

"Yes, that's right." Eden chimed in with a light voice, "She's unpredictable but she would never break a promise. I have faith that she will return."

"I believe that too!" Elle piped up this time, "I mean, her Blessing is still with us! That means she's still alive! Even if one connection is lost, it doesn't mean that she's lost forever! So we should keep our heads up and hold the fort while we wait!"

Diablo looked like he was about to glower but held his temper back, "... How would you know that?"

"Honkai energy is rampaging outside." Bella suddenly spoke up after being silent for a long time, "It's rampaging quietly, almost like it is trying to relay a message. The two Primordial Herrschers... Even if what was happening was their work, I believe that it involves Rimuru-sama's order. After all, that Honkai energy belongs to her."

<You're correct, Bella. That's very perceptive of you.>

Some of us jumped in surprise at the familiar voice and it was Shuna who spoke up first, "Is that you, Iris?!"

<Yes. I am currently explaining everything to the involved parties, so please listen to me as well.>

Everyone was on edge as they quietly listened to the explanation from Iris. I felt a sense of relief after finding out that Lady Rimuru had, in fact, planned for herself to be sent to the end of time and space. There was a purpose but she simply did not explain it to the two Primordial Herrschers. By the end of the explanation, the tension in the Control Room had toned down toward relief.

"How reckless can she be...?" Testarossa chuckled lightly but I could hear the relief in her voice, "As expected of Rimuru-sama, though. Tricking the enemy and obtaining what she wished."

<Now all we need to do is await her return. Until then, please prepare for the worst case scenario, namely, the arrival of the World-destroying Dragon Ivarage.>

"What about Feldway?" Aponia asks

<He is of no concern to us. To be honest, if all things work out, he won't become a problem anymore.>

"I'm guessing it was all part of her plan as well." Eden hummed with mild amusement

<Yes. So just take care of the current predicament first and strategize the next step. As for the world stability and Feldway, just leave them to me and Feiyun.>

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