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  This is the magic realm. All who reside in this world can use magic at will. Thus, magic has become a natural part of everyone's daily life. A gift believed to have been bestowed by God. It's importance is so great that one's level of mastery even determines one's social status.

   But somewhere in the forest. There was a house, sitting alone with a boy doing bench presses. A boy who stood opposition to the world's rules. The boy placed the bar on the stand as he sat up. Grabbing a bag and pulling out a pastry known as cream puffs. 

   The boy munched on the delicious pastry, "nothing like a cream puff after pumping iron." He said to himself. 

   In the home sat an old man holding a mug as a container of water poured. His name is Regro Burnedead, a 75-year-old man who lives alone with his son. And another figure, who is petite, sat near Regro. Her name is ( Name ) Kuchiki, an adopted sister to Byakuya Kuchiki. She sat reading a book, undisturbed, until the door shook violently. Catching the attention of Regro and ( Name ).

   The door suddenly stopped as it went silent for a while. 


   The door was suddenly ripped out of its place as a boy entered, holding the handle of the broken door. "RRRAAWWW!" The old man screamed out. "Oh hey, pops. I'm back," Mash Burnedead greeted. The boy glanced at ( Name ). "Hey, ( Name )," he greeted the petite female.

   "Hello, Mash." She greeted back, glancing at the old man. "ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS OPEN THE DOOR, NOT RIP IT OFF ITS HINGES!!" He screamed as Mash. "I couldn't remember if I was supposed to push or pull. So I just kind of forced it..." He said, holding the door. "YOU MEAN BROKE IT!" Regro shouted at him.

   Mash looked away as he sulked, "sorry, pops. I'll fix it." Regro stood, "no, that's okay. As long as you understand what you did." Mash held the door sideways and started to pound the door. "RRRAAAWWW! YOU NEED TO TURN IT! TURN IT! TURN IT A LITTLE!" He screamed again. "Weird. It won't go back in," Mash said as he continued to pound the door sideways. "YOU'VE GOT IT POSITIONED WRONG!" 

   ( Name ) smiled as she watched the scene with a giggle. Mash turned his head, "what was that?" Regro screamed again, "QUIT WITH THE POUNDING, WOULD YOU?!" 

   "Spit on the foundling?" Mash asked, making ( Name ) burst into laughter. "NOOOOOO!" He screamed at Mash. The door suddenly split into thirds as two pieces of wood flew off, "oops." Everyone was silent.

   Mash sulked again, "sorry, pops." Regro stood blank faced, "w-well... yeah, um." ( Name ) chuckled as she placed the book down. "Forget about that for now. What about today's training routine?" Regro asked Mash. "Done and done." Mash responded, but he asked a question. "But, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. Why do you have me do nothing but work out?"

   ( Name ) was silent as Regro answered, "because you are... that's a story for another time." He turned around and headed out, "anyways, I'm heading out. I know I've told you this countless of times before, but... you must never venture out into the city." He side-eyed Mash. "I won't." Mash responded. "And keep an eye on him, ( Name ). Or if he drags you, I'll know." 

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now