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   "Today, we will be learning one of the most basic of spells, the lock-opening spell." Said the teacher. "Opti Ars," the lock opened when she cast the spell. "You must imagine you're opening a lock as you infuse it with your magic energy," she explained the process of the spell. ( Name ) sat besides Mash as she nodded. "Now, it's your turn."

   ( Name ) raised her wand and picked up the lock. "Opti Ars," she said as the lock opened. Beside her, Mash forcefully ripped the lock with his inhuman strength. ( Name ) smiled as she looked away, muffling her chuckles. 

   Mash looked up, "professor. I opened the lock." The teacher smiled calmly before exploding on Mash. "ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR FREAKIN' MIND?! YOU DO KNOW THIS IS A MAGIC ACADEMY, RIGHT?! A PLACE TO LEARN MAGIC!! DON'T YOU?!" She screamed at him. 

   "Yes, but... I'm not good with magic and spells," Mash answered with his stoic expression. ( Name ) shook her head and looked outside. "THEN WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!"

   "You're right. This is concerning," he blankly said to the teacher. "YOUR APATHETIC TONE SAYS OTHERWISE!! IS ANY OF THIS GETTING THROUGH YOUR SKULL?!" ( Name ) glanced behind her as a familiar two tone boy looked away with a weirded out look. "God is dead," Mash said out of nowhere. 'Huh?' She looked at Mash with confusion.


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   ( Name ) walked around the halls, looking for her dorm. 'It's here somewhere,' she thought. It was also noted by the teacher, she'll be sharing with a second year who goes here. ( Name ) looked up at the number and smiled, "found it."

   The petite lady opened the door and entered with caution. She looked around the room and spotted a petite female. "Uh, excuse me. I'm here as your new roommate," ( Name ) announced. The petite female looked up from her book, "oh. That's great."

  The girl shut her book and jumped off the bed, "I'm leaving for a job. Name's Fon, it was nice meeting you, ( Name ) Kuchiki."

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   Today, you will learn how to ride a broom. Channel magic energy into the broom and command it with the word "fly"! Then straddle it and regulate the magic to keep it afloat. Begin." The teacher said. ( Name ) opened her hand, "fly." The broom flew into her hand as she sat on the broom, easily balancing on it.

   Mash opened his hand and repeated the words. Unable to make the broom fly into his hand, Mash looked up, "fair enough." 

  "Didn't realize this was a remedial class!" A boy said with a grin, ( Name ) glared at him. "Just give up already! You're slowing the rest of us down!" Mash stomped the ground as the broom flew into his hand, "fly."

   ( Name ) watched as the boy's face turned to confusion to anger. "T-THAT'S CHEATING, YOU WORM! IT FLEW UP BEFORE YOU COMMAND IT!" He screamed at the confused Mash. "We will begin the timed trails," the teacher announced. 

   "Perfect timing. How about a little race? Loser has to obey the winner as long as we're here... up for it?" He offered with a grin. ( Name ) hopped off of her broom and walked towards Mash, "hey, you don't have to agree." Mash glanced at her, gently holding her hand.

   "I'll be fine," he looked up at the boy, "sure."

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   ( Name ) watched the race as the teacher counted down. With a blink of an eye, Mash appeared at the finish line, leaving a trail of bent grasses. Everyone stared in shock as ( Name ) smiled, relief. "W-WORLD RECORD! A WORLD RECORD HAS BEEN SET!" The teacher screamed in shock. Everyone spoke in astonishment as ( Name ) grinned happily.

   "YOU CHEATED AGAIN! THERE'S NO WAY YOU ACTUALLY FLEW!" The boy yelled at Mash. "Can't face the facts, huh? I feel kinda bad for you," he unknowingly mocks him. ( Name ) chuckled as she watched Mash's face unmoving. 

   "SHUT UP!"

   "Poor guy. I'll drop the bet," Mash said, making the boy think he's mocking him. "YOU MOCKING M..." The boy was cut off as his mouth was sewn shut. 

   "Hey, now. Let's not argue," the blonde male walked behind the boy and draped his arm over his friend's shoulder. "Sorry about my friend here. He didn't mean to be rude," the blonde said. ( Name ) stepped up besides Mash with a stern expression.

   "Huh. Whatever," Mash replied, unbothered. 

   ( Name ) heard whispers around them about Cavill. "I must admit, you really caught my attention. We should be friends," he said with a constant smile on his face. "Huh?" Mash confusingly said. 

   "I'm Llyod Cavill. Nice to meet you," he introduced himself. "Roid Castle?" Mash questioned, making everyone go silent. Cavill looked down as he rubbed his nape, looking down as his face darkened.

   "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!"The teacher shouted. ( Name ) looked a bit irritated at the teacher's constant screaming. "Oops. Out of time," he said. "Say. You're pretty funny. Let's talk more. After school." He turned around and walked off, "I'll be waiting here."

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𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now