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   People stared at Mash, completely stunned. "He just marched straight through," everyone whispered in disbelief. "Looks like we made it," Mash said unfazed. ( Name ) appeared behind him with Lemon behind her. 

   "Hey, are they gonna let that slide?"

   "Is that allowed?"

   "No way that's fair!"


   "He's gotta be kidding!"

   "The rest of us did it properly!"

   Everyone started to chant 'go home' to Mash, angry as he 'cheated' on the maze exam. "I wish I could..." Mash muttered to himself. Lemon stood as she took a deep breath, "P... PLEASE STOP THIS! HE'S NOT THE ONE AT FAULT!" Lucci glared at Lemon, "DON'T YOU DARE!"

   "Say another word and you'll regret it! I can still consider our deal." Lemon looked down as she begin, "the truth is..."

   "STOP!" Lucci screamed. ( Name ) clenched her fist tighter, angered at Lucci's unfairness. "I was told to prevent him from reaching the goal by professor Lucci," Lemon said, revealing the truth. Everyone gasped, shocked by the news. 

   "He said he'd let me pass if I slow that boy down. My family's poor. I was desperate to get into this school for them. But, the pretty girl saved me and she said..." 

   "She'll marry me!" Lemon blushed, covering her mouth. ( Name ) deadpanned, "I never said that..."

  "You did!" Lemon said. 

. . .

   "If you're too injured to walk, I can support you."

   "Wait, "support me?" You mean like. I'm sure I'd only be a (emotional) burden to you," Lemon said. ( Name ) smiled, "I don't think you'd be a (physical) burden." Thinking she meant physically, not emotionally. 

   Lemon blushed...

. . .

   "Don't be so bashful. I know how you feel. And it's such a relief... oh, yes!" Lemon covered her face as Mash spoke up, "it is? Because she didn't say that." Feeling irritated at Lemon. Lucci scoffed, "so I set him up. What about it? This is my exam. Who says I can't fail students I don't like?"

   "You two positively reek commoner. You don't deserve to be here. This is a prestigious academy for the elite. We don't take in cheeky brats or paupers. The moment I saw your dingy robes, girl, I knew you were a charity case. I figured even the poor must have their uses, but look at how you repay me."

   ( Name ) looked down as she felt anger flaring up inside her. "Did you inherit that dull mind of yours from your parents? If so, no wonder your family is struggling. I trust I made the right call about you two. Which is why I'm failing both of you." Lucci took out his wand as magic flared up.

   "Release," ( Name ) chanted. Her wand changed into a katana, "dance, Sode no Shirayuki." She twirled her katana counterclockwise, her katana changed into pure white as her tsuba changed into a hollow snowflake tsuba as the long white ribbon appeared from the bottom.

   ( Name ) released a large sum of magical power, her eyes sharpened at Lucci. "( Name ) Kuchiki, what do you think you're doing?" He asked, glaring at her. ( Name ) glared back at him, "you raised your wand at my friends and dared to threaten them. I'll kill you before you can cast your spell." 

   Mash appeared in front of Lucci and snapped his wand in half, shocking the people around them. ( Name ) eyes widened, "Mash!" Lowering her Sode no Shirayuki. 

   "Huh?" Lucci looked shocked. "That was uncalled for, professor." Mash said with his unbothered expression. Lucci's face changed quickly, "S-SHUT UP! I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE LIKES OF YOU-"

   "SILENCE!" A voice yelled.

   ( Name ) looked up to see an old man, 'Headmaster Wehlberg.' He floated above the students, "we will move on to the final interviews. From this point on, I am in charge of this examination," He announced. Sode no Shirayuki reverted back to a wand as ( Name ) placed it into her inside robe. 

   Wahlberg glared at Lucci, "I wish to see you in my office after this." Lucci fell onto his knees. 

   "Now, for the first interview."

   Flames engulfed Mash as he disappeared, ( Name ) swallowed hard as she took a deep breath. 'I hope you can pass the interview.'

. . .

   ( Name ) stumbled as she fainted. Lemon panicked as she placed her head on her lap, "( Name )! Hey!" 

   After some time, ( Name ) woke up as Lemon hovered over her. "( Name )! I'm so glad you're awake!" Lemon cried as ( Name ) got up from her lap. "What happened, Lemon?" Holding her head. "You just fainted out of nowhere when Mash was being interviewed!" Lemon explained.

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𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now