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   'What the-?! Was that... a sword?!' Dot thought shockingly. You stood very shocked, lowering your zanpakuto. 'Whose sword does that belong to?' You thought, glancing at the hat guy. 'That spell took down a double liner,' you looked to your side.

   The hat guy looked up, "wha... what are you doing here, Divine Visionary, Rayne Ames!!" You perked up at the title and name of the mysterious student, 'Rayne Ames? Isn't that Finn's surname?'

   "Wait. Why are you here, Rayne? You're supposed to be gone." The hat guy looked shocked at the sudden appearance of the Divine Visionary. 'Divine Visionary Rayne Ames. Alder dorm's ace!' Dot thought.

   "R-right, okay. Let's talk about this. We've both got our reasons. Right?!" The hat guy said as the stone monster erupted from the ground. A large sword sliced the monster in half, "don't waste my time, trash."

   You watched as Rayne summoned multiple swords around them. 'He's still a student, but became a Divine Visionary at seventeen years old,' you thought. "Guess I'm transferring to Alder!" Love said, taking her robe off. You irked, "don't you even dare, Love."


   "Hey, Love? What's the hat guy's name?" You asked, glancing at her. "Milo Genius," she answered. You looked back at the scene, "is he really a student?"

   Milo coughed up blood, "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! I HAD NO CHOICE! FORGIVE ME! I REGRET WHAT I DID!" Rayne stared down at him as if he was a bug, "that so?" He kicked Milo in the stomach harshly. You deadpanned, "ah..."

   "You regret it?" He glared at him with disgust, "what matters are your actions, not your words. I don't trust the word of a scum like you." Rayne continued to kick him harshly, "your type only learns through pain. But it must be excruciating enough to ensure you never make the same mistake twice."

   You deadpanned, "he's quite brutal, isn't he?" Dot nodded, sweatdropping at the scene. "What are you still doing here?" Rayne asked, "get out of here." His eyes landed on you, 'that's her. The Kuchiki girl...'

   "I'll drag the details out of this one," he said, kicking the male in the stomach. "O-okay," Dot said. "Spill it," Rayne continued to kick him. 'Dude's harsh!' Dot thought to himself. "But what brings the Visionary here...?" Dot asked. "Brother..." Finn muttered out, "what?" Dot glanced at him with confusion.

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   You ran down the hall and spotted Lance walking further ahead of you. "Lance!" You called out, the siscon delusionist turned around. He stared at you, 'who is she?' Turning fully around to face you.

   You stabbed the ground four times as ice particles appeared, "Tsugi no mai, Hakuren." A large avalanche of cold air rumbled towards him. 'Lance' quickly created a shield around him from the icy attack.

   "Who are you?" You asked the fake Lance. "How did you find me?" He asked after remaining silent for a while. "Simple, the Lance I know would immediately call me his wife," you answered. 'Lance' started to disappear as a new face appeared, "I see. It was just a missing detail. And here I went to the trouble of copying a student's face," he said after his face reshaped.

   "Innocent Zero. A dark magic organization working in the shadows of society. Engaged in smuggling magical creatures, drugs, human trafficking, and murder. What are you vile evildoers doing in this school?" Rayne came out from behind, "tell me. Resist and I'll kill you."

   Pointing his wand at the intruder. Your eyes widened, "Innocent Zero...? Who are you?" Turning back at the intruder, "my name is Cell War. And we are searching."

   "For what...?" Rayne asked, standing next to you. "Oh, it's something very, very important to us. And it's strange. Right now, it should be in this school." Cell said before slumping down, "we had Abel searching for it, but he couldn't find it. He wasn't of any use."

   "That answer's not good enough," Rayne said as he pushed you behind. "Of course not. Why should I tell you? We're not even friends. If you're going to ask something personal, you should get to know the person first. That's just common sense," Cell said, glaring at Rayne.

   "Oh! Now I remember," Cell pointed at you. "We need her. Hand her over and I'll tell you what we are searching for." Your eyes widened, "me? What for?"

   Rayne glared at him, raising his wand. "I'll take that as a no from you," Cell said. "Oh, nevermind... now's not the time. I've still got to kill Abel for failing," he said, posing oddly. "I'm afraid I must be off," he turned around and started to run off.

   You stepped forwards, holding your zanpakuto up. "Hold it!" Before you could run after him, a large dinner knife stopped you. "I'll be your opponent. The serial killer and cannibal Jon Pierre," a well dressed man came out, holding a fork and knife.

   "I'll handle this one. You run after him," Rayne said. 'This is bad. His power is on par with a Divine Visionary's,' he thought. You flashed-step away and chased after Cell War. 'Why did I send her away? The others won't stand a chance...!!'

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   "Is it alright if I go to the bathroom?" Mash asked, raising his hand. Dot, Finn, and Lemon watched him walk out. 'I bet he's been holding it all this time,' Dot thought as the rest were silent.

   "Anyway, I guess that's over," Dot said. "This school is a hive of lawlessness," Finn said. "It's the danger that helps love bloom," Lemon said, somewhat not related to the situation.

   Cell War floated towards the three Alders. "Get lost," he said as the trio flew to the side, landing harshly on the ground. Dot sat up, "WHAT THE HELL D'YA..." He went quiet, feeling the heavy amount of magic.

   "Hmm? Abel, you're looking rather roughed up. Did you lose?" Cell asked. Abel remained quiet as Cell continued, "you couldn't even rise to the top of this school. That's pretty bad, you know? At least you did one thing right."

   Cell choked Abel, "you got us good intel on Headmaster Wahlberg. You didn't find the one we're looking for though. Which is fine. As it turns out, we don't need you..." Shards of ice blasted towards him.

   Cell immediately covered his skin with carbon, shattering the ice shards. You stood huffing, holding your zanpakuto. "Finally caught up with you. Release Prefect Abel, Cell War." You glared at him.

   "( Name )!" Finn cried out, "thank goodness!" Dot and Lemon gave him the side-eye as Finn continued to cry. 

   "Is everyone okay with orange juice and cream puffs?" Mash appeared behind you, which startled you. "Damnit, Mash! Don't sneak up on me like that!" You scolded him. Mash slumped his shoulders as a gloomy aura emitted from him, "sorry.'

   You sweat dropped, "oh, it's okay. Just don't do it again." Mash nodded, "is the party over...?"

   "Yes, Mash. The party's definitely over," Lemon replied. A fly suddenly landed on Mash's nose as Cell War stared at him.

   "Ahhh..." Mash took a deep breath before covering his nose and sneezing. The cream puffs flew from the plate and landed on Cell War. Your mouth dropped as the trio did the same. "Um, sorry to bother you, but we were gonna eat those. Could I get them back?" Mash asked.

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𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now