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   ( Name ) stood among the crowd of students, she wore the uniform given to her. Long sleeves, button up, white shirt. Along with a black robe and red tie and a skirt. Standing next to Mash, she ignored everyone who glanced at her. 

   'Easton Magic Academy. A historic and prestigious school that produced strong pillars,' she thought, tightening her fist. ( Name ) was determined to get any acknowledgement from her older brother. 

   A guy peered from the top of the building's window, staring down at the students. 'Of course, its entrance examination is notoriously difficult. And tasked with guiding the next generation of mages is none other than the supreme Magus Cum Laude, Claude Lucci. That is, me.'

   'Let's see here. Who do we have among this year's applicants?' Lucci eyes trailed towards a boy with his hair slick to the side. 'We have a scion of the nobility, son of the undersecretary of the Bureau of Magic. Hmph, as expected, only the biggest movers and shakers of society are present.' His eyes slowly landed on a petite figure.

   His eyes widened, '( Name ) Kuchiki?! She's here! Well, I got to make myself presentable and impress her.'

   Lucci eyes opened as he heard a loud thumping of iron. 'What's this?' His eyes landed on a figure who was lifting weights. 'What's he doing?' Lucci thought as he watched Mash work out. ( Name ) sighed as she ignored him, 'just ignore him for now.' 

   Mash suddenly did the invisible chair while reading a fitness book. ( Name ) sweat dropped as she glanced at Regro and Brad, standing behind Mash wearing a ridiculous outfit and holding bushes as disguise. 'Those idiots...' 

   "Greetings, examinees!" A voice said out of nowhere. People looked around as they wondered where the voice came from. "Where'd that voice come from?!" One question. A burst of green flames appeared, a blond male standing with a confident grin, "I'll be overseeing this year's entrance examination. My name is Claude Lucci."

   "The pleasure's all mine," he said as everyone freaked out. 




   ( Name ) irked at the loud voices, 'is that really impressive?' Lucci grinned as he felt pleasure from all the respect and praise, 'their awe and respect... it feels so good! Yes, praise me.... worship me!'

      "You must think you're hot stuff, appearing out of a firestorm and all," Mash said, irritating the overseer. 'I'm going to flunk him!' Lucci thought glaring at Mash. ( Name ) shut her eyes, 'this is going to be tough.'

   "It's time for the first exam. Take your seats," Lucci said, watching the students looking confused. "Where are the chairs?!"


𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now