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   "YEAAAH! BRING ON THE NEXT GUY!" Dot shouted in victory. You grinned, "nice job, Dot." He grinned at you before looking back, "hmm?" The smoke cleared, revealing the redhead striking a pose. You deadpanned, 'what is this? A modeling attraction?'

   'He's... he's striking an attractive pose, even in defeat. He remained good-looking til the end. He's a real man. I can respect that,' Dot thought. "Is it over?" Lance asked Dot. You sighed, "well, at least that was over." Looking away, you felt your feet sinking into the ground.

   "What?!" You looked down as the ground started to turn into mud. "THE HELL?! WE'RE BEING SUCKED INTO THE GOU-" Dot was cut off by Mash, who held his cream puff in the air. "Not my cream puff. Someone, save my baby."

   "I take it this means that our enemies have no intention of letting us g..." Mash disappeared into the ground. "WAAAAHHH!" Finn clinged onto Dot as they sank into the ground. 'Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually the normal one. No, ( Name ) is the normal one too.' Dot thought to himself, having enough with life.

   "Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez, oh..." Finn panicked as he hugged Dot's leg. "Aww, we get the one-liner duo? Easy-peasy!" The pink girl said as the boy next to her stayed silent. "T-two double liners. Mum, dad, thank you for everything. I'm sorry," Finn cried out. "Hey. Don't give up before we've even started. Show'em what an underdog can do," Dot said.

   Dot pointed at the two Magia Lupus members, "ya side characters better watch out. You're facing the main character."

. . .

   "My name's Love. I'm the fifth fang," Love said. "And?" Dot asked Love. "Do you like me?" Love asked, leaning in. "Huh?!" Dot looked confused. "Do you like me or don't ya?" Love asked the two boys.

   "It's just, I barely know you, so... right, Finn?" He asked. "Y-yeah," Finn agreed with Dot. "Okay, so. Am I cute? Do ya think I'm cute? Tell me if you do!" Love said, pushing the question. 'She's super manipulative... A normie'd totally wigged out by her,' Dot thought. "C'mon!" Love said.

   'But I really love girls like that, damn it!' Dot smacked his face as he thought. "I'm sorry. I'm planning on getting engaged to ( Name ). So I can't marry you," Dot bowed as he apologized to Love. 'What is he on about?!' Finn thought.

   "What? You love someone else?" Love asked, looking devastated. "Sorry," Dot apologizes to Love. "I guess, you can die!" A large tornado spun towards Dot and Finn, "Tornegus!"

   'That girl is emotionally unstable,' Dot thought. "Explomb!" Multiple fireballs shot towards the tornado, countering it. Dot stood in front of Finn with his wand out, 'damnit. I knew a double-liner'd be tough, but...' His thoughts were disrupted with Love's yelling.

   "ALL GIRLS ARE BORN PRINCESSES! YOU TELL THEM THEY'RE CUTE! AND YOU LOVE AND SERVE THEM! ANY GUY WHO CAN'T DO THAT CAN JUST DIE!" Love shouted. "Isn't that kinda extreme?" Dot asked. "I'm scared," Finn said.

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now