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   Lance dropped the bottle and casted his spell, "Graviole." He turned his head to face Mash, "now what, Mash..." His eyes widened as Mash discarded his school uniform, revealing his gym clothes underneath. You couldn't help it but smile at Mash. He took a starting position, "Hamstring Magic."

   'Hamstring Magic? What kind of spell is that?! I've never heard of it! And why is he...' His thoughts trailed off as he gazed at Mash's position. Mash's muscles expanded a bit as he tightened his muscles, "Big Bang Dash."

   'Getting into a starting position?!' 

   "I can't fail them. I won't lose," his eyes glowed. Mash took off with immense speed, leaving but dust behind. You covered your eyes, "man... he's faster than I expected." Even though you've seen his speed many times, Mash seems to get faster each passing day. You jogged towards the edge and peaked down, no sight of Mash.

   'Where are you, Mash?' You thought, lining your lips together. Lance came from behind as he peaked down as well. Mash appeared behind you and Lance, surprising the blue boy. 

   'What..? He couldn't have gotten down the cliff and caught the bottle that fast! I don't believe it. Is he using physical enchantment magic?!' Lance thought, you disappeared and reappeared next to Mash. 

   Lance lifted his wand, ready to cast a spell. "Let's stop this," Mash spoke up. "You don't seem like that bad of a guy. I don't think we should be fighting." He added. "What?" Lance questioned, confused. "This bottle is empty. You dropped a fake," Mash held the bottle up with his usual cute expression. 

   You chuckled, gently patting his head. "You have a good eye, Mash! Good boy, you won!" You complimented him with a smile. Mash felt a wave of heat over his body, "I feel like bugs are inside of my skin...."

   You sweatdropped, "huh...?" Removing your hand from his head, you walked towards Lance and took the real bottle from his inside uniform coat pocket. "Got it," you walked away as Finn, Tom, and Lemon cheered happily from inside the bottle.

   "And we're done," Mash said as you held the bottle. "But... WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU GIVE UP THE CHANCE TO WIN MY SILVER COINS?! ARE YOU TRYING TO SCREW WITH ME?!" Lance shouted at Mash. 

   "No, not really," Mash bluntly replied. "Then, why?" Lance asked, seemingly desperate for an answer. "I guess... Hmm. I'm not the type to make rational decisions. Maybe I'm just clumsy?" Mash answered. 

   Lance's eyes widened as a memory spiked into his mind. 

   "But you know what? You may be clumsy, but you're awfully kind. That's why I love you!" Anna said with a smile.

   "Heh. I'm done. I'm heading back. We'll stop the fight here. But... I did make a bet with you," Lance tossed two silver coins at Mash. "Take it." He turned away and started to walk, "I'll be seeing you, ( Name )." 

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now