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  ✧. ┊ "So I guess we're adjourning for now," Mash said. "THAT'S NOT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE!" The bald man shouted. ( Name ) eyes widened when she felt a heavy amount of magic, she glanced down at Mash's leg. 'Sand?' she thought to herself. 

  A huge wave of sand crashes down on Mash and ( Name ). Mash punched the sand, "okay. What's going on now?" ( Name ) glared at the glasses, "Divine Visionaries..." 

  "Did you think everything is over?" The glasses man asked. 

  "Hell if I know. Wahlberg sent for us," Renatus Revol of the "Immortal Cane" said.
  "Let's throw the book at'em and go home. C-cold," Tsurara Halestone of the "Ice Cane" said, shivering.
  "C'mon. Let's gooo. Someone's being noisy," Kaldo Gehenna of the "Flame Cane" said.
  "..." Agito Tryone of the "Dragon Cane" silently stood.
  "In accordance with eh regulations, I believe flexibility is the wisest course," Sophina Biblia of the "Knowledge Cane" said.
  "The regulations exist to rein in those with differing ideas. If we follow expectations, the system fails," Orter Madl of the "Desert Cane" said.

  "As peers of the realm, we cannot be seen letting our emotions guide us. We cannot make exceptions for special circumstances. This one not only lack in magical ability, but he also enrolled in Easton Academy. Death is more than fitting," Orter said glaring at Mash. 

  ( Name ) irked, "you glasses freak..." She immediately stood over Mash who sulked, "don't Mash! I'll make sure you won't die! I'll go against everyone who dares to try!"

  "( Name )..." 

  "If it makes you feel better consider this decision unanimous," Orter added. ( Name ) glared at him, gritting her teeth, "this glasses..."

   "That is unacceptable..." The bald man stood up and his eyes went in a crazy direction. "We are... Innocent Zero. That boy belongs to us. Hands off him."

   "INNOCENT ZERO'S INVOLVED?! IT SEEMS THIS BOY UNUSUAL ORIGINS AFTER ALL..." Renatus shouted. "I don't belong to anybody but myself," Mash said. "You think anyone cares right now?" He asked. 

  "We mean business. As proof of this, we placed a magic parasite in this one," said the controlled Bless. "A magic parasite?!" Nerey said surprised. ( Name ) glanced at him confused, "who're you?"

  "Consider this our statement of intent of you all. This world is ours," said Bless. "So you're declaring war against the Bureau? Eager to end this long standing conflict of ours? Fine... I'll get rid of this parasite," Ryoh said. 

  "IT'S TOO RISKY! THE MORE POWERFUL THE MAGIC USER, THE GREATER THE DANGER! IF IT GETS YOU, IT'LL MAKE YOU INTO IT'S CHRYSALIS!" Nerey shouted at Ryoh. ( Name ) and Mash glanced at each other, "you ready, Mash?"

  He nodded and reached for the parasite. Ryoh turned his head and saw Mash pulling the parasite from Bless's back head. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ryoh shouted as the parasite entered Mash's mouth.

  He choked as ( Name ) took her wand out. Mash spat the parasite out, revealing it all tied up into a balloon animal, shocking Nerey. "WHAT'S GOING ON?! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! IT WENT INTO HIS MOUTH, RIGHT?! SO HE TIED IT UP IN HIS MOUTH?! LIKE A CHERRY STEM?!" Nerey shouted shock.

  "Yep. I tied it with my tongue," Mash said, shocking Nerey even more. ( Name ) sighed as she placed her wand away. "Well, we heard the bad guy's speech and saved the old guy. So, I guess we're done here," Mash said.

  "Flawless execution. You... you're a treasure," Ryoh said to Mash. "Not yet. We still have to deal with you," Orter said. "Rules are rules. And those without magic... don't get to say. That's how our world operates," he said.

  "Your death sentence will be upheld. We'll be taking you-" 

  "I won't go," Mash interrupted Orter. He dug his own feet into the ground, "I won't go. Can't take me away now, can you?" 

  "What are you, a child?" Orter asked, "throwing a tantrum won't save you." Mash glared at him, "I won't go." 

  Orter appeared behind Mash, pointing his wand at his neck. Mash's eyes widened as sand gathered and formed into a sharp point. "Hold it," ( Name ) said, pointing her zanpakuto at his neck. "What do you think you're doing, glasses?" A cold breeze hit his neck, "and what do you think you're doing, Kuchiki?"

  "Wait. You said it's unanimous. But you haven't heard my take yet. Care to listen?" Ryoh asked as he pointed his wand at Orter. They stared at each other for a while, until a huge sword crashed down in between them. 

  ( Name ) appeared on the other side of Mash, "that sword..." Everyone turned around, now facing Wahlberg and Rayne. "MR. WAHLBERG!"

  "Might I ask you to defer his sentencing, Visionaries?" He asked. "Innocent Zero sending a messenger like this is the first. There is a good chance this boy will give us a lead on them. We cannot lose him at this juncture."

  "Is the Headmaster someone important?" Mash asked as Ryoh gave him the look, "seriously?" ( Name ) facepalmed as Ryoh also gave her the look, 'this your man?' ( Name ) glared at him, 'shut up.'

  "Mr. Wahlberg was once a Divine Visionary himself. In his youth, he was the only one who can stand against Innocent Zero. He's a living legend," Ryoh said. "Why, I'm soon to become the top magic user in the world and he's even earned my respect. He's the man among magic users."

  "When he talks, you listen."

  ( Name ) sighed as she turned away from them, 'they're such idiots...'

   "I understand your position, Mr. Wahlberg. But I don't accept it. Regulations mandate this course of action. They're not open to individuals interpretation. Orders must be kept. The lack magics should be purge," Orter said. "It's just the way it...!"

  Wahlberg removed his hat and placed it on his stomach, bowing. ( Name's ) eyes widened as she raised her hand, "Headmaster!" 

  "MR. WAHLBERG, PLEASE! YOU NEEDN'T BOW TO US!" Sophina said shocked. 

  "True, he cannot use magic. He is rough around the edges and he has no scholar. But he has an unusual gift. The power to sway hearts," he said. "Our world view needs to change, and I believe it will take someone like him to do it. And that is not all I hope for. Until now, those without magic have been treated as inferior species. But I take issue with that. It does not seem just to me. As time passes, so must our values. Redefining those values takes courage, because we must admit to our own injustice. That said, what is wrong is still wrong."

  "Mr. Wahlberg. I respect your position. But no person gets to..." Orter paused as Rayne got down on his knees, "I'm asking as well."

  "I agree with the Headmaster. But more than that, Mash Burnedead has proven himself worthy of our trust, in my opinion," Rayne said. 

  "I'm sure you mean well. But opinions don't change the rules," Kaldo said.

  "Debating's boring. Throw the book at 'im," Renatus said.

  "You've stated your position well. But the public won't accept an exception," Sophina said.

  "There's nothing to discuss. We execute the lack magics. You're all putting emotions before rational thoughts," Orter said. ( Name ) rolled her eyes at him, "goody two shoes, huh?" Orter shot a glare at her.

. . .

  This Book Might Go On Hiatus Due To Loss Interest. I Might Make Another Fanfic On Lookism, Bleach, or Record of Ragnarok. -Yeji

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