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   As all the Lang's coins went Alder, bringing Mash and his friends a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries. "I'm glad we solved that one problem so quickly. Time for our victory celebration," Mash said wiping his forehead. "Did we solve it, though?" Finn asked, "it's more like we shouted him down and ( Name ) threatening him."

   "But at least the whole school doesn't-" Finn was cut off by someone shouting, "HEY!! MASH BURNEDEAD!! IS IT TRUE YOU CAN'T USE MAGIC?!" Mash eyes turned white, "I use it. I use magic. Iusemagic. Iusemagic."

   "Uh, I think he just shut down," said the confused student. Mash repeated the sentence like a dysfunction robot. 'It's working! We conditioned him well!' Finn thought. "Don't lie, man! Everyone knows! You gotta biiig problem on your hands," the student said.

   "Protecting a non-magic user's gonna get you in trouble, Finn." Finn froze as the student kept talking, "you may be a student now, but this could mean expulsion for you too, Finn. You know that, right?" 

   "Fess up, he can't really use magic. You don't wanna lie, Finn. What's the point in protecting a non-magic blight-blood like him?" He said with a grin. 

   Finn turned around, "SHUT UP! WHO I SPEND TIME WITH IS MY BUSINESS!" But he saw the student being crushed by gravity. 'I finally mustered up some courage, but next thing I know he's in the ground.' 

   ( Name ) stepped in with Lance beside her, "SISTER-DELUSIONIST! And ( Name )." The student turned around, "WHAT WAS THE FOR?!" Lance clicked his tongue, "Hmph. You made me mad. That's all."

   "Hooray for delusion love!"

   "YOU JERK!" He shouted as a spit landed on his cheek. "LEMON AND D..." Finn stopped talking as he stared in shock. "His injuries were more severe than we thought. Six broken ribs, a fractured skull, compound fractures up and down his arms and legs, blood blisters and damages to multiple organ systems," Lemon said crying.

   "MMPH MMPH MMPH MMPH!" Dot muffled out. Lemon glared down at him, 'don't you dare say another word... my wife is not going to help you.' ( Name ) sweatdropped, "is that so? I could-"

   "No! I mean- Dot can heal himself in real time! You don't have to waste your energy on him!" Lemon smiled at her. Dot muffled shouts echoed through the halls. The student made a face before attempting to run off, "CRUD! GUESS YOU'LL LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY!"

   "Sode no Shirayuki!" ( Name ) quickly froze the guy, "like you're leaving unharmed. People who insult Mash and my friends will be frozen forever."

   "Oh..." They felt touched by the declaration, but... "Is he going to break?" Mash asked ( Name ). "... oh."

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   After school, in Alder dorm, room 302. A celebration was being held. You sat next to Mash with a plate full of food given by Lance. "Now that we have Lang's coins, we can breathe easy until the Divine Visionary selection," Mash said holding a plate full of cream puffs. 

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now