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   Cell War threw the cream puffs on the ground, making Mash gasp. You frowned, holding your zanpakuto tightly. "Insolent boy," Cell war said. He gripped his head tightly, 'this pain in my head. Is it resonant?! Then it's here...?! But I haven't had this headache before. It came on when he walked in.'

   He looked up at Mash, 'no, not him...?! I mean, it can't be. Not him... it's him?' As Cell War took his time thinking before turning around sharply. "Fine... first, to finish what I came here for. KILLING ABEL!"

   Abel suddenly froze in a star fish position, "can you see how little a match you are for me? Now die." Cell War took his wand out and shot his carbon magic. You and Mash immediately reacted, running towards Abel.

   Abyss appeared in front of Abel, taking the hit. Your eyes widened, "Abyss!" Mash stopped in his tracks, "Mask guy..." 

   Abyss coughed out blood, "I'm sorry, Mash... I might have to miss those cream puffs." Mash looked down as Cell War thought to himself.

   A small rock zoomed past him. Mash glared at him darkly, angered. "What a loyal dog. Seems the trash is rewarding you for picking it up," Cell said. Abyss coughed as you flash-stepped beside him, "hold still, Abyss. I'll heal you."

   A green light flashed over his wounds as you glanced behind you. "I find it revolting," Cell said, glaring down darkly. The ground was smashed as Mash took a step. 

   'Just by stepping on the ground...?' Cell thought as Mash kicked one of the rocks. Cell flew back, but remained standing. He held the rock and grinned, "I see. Someone's got a short fuse," licking the rock.

   "Maybe I'll just kill you too," he said, glaring. You looked back at Abyss as he slowly opened his eyes. "Uhh..." He grunted, attempting to sit up.

   "Sit back down, Abyss. I'm still working on you," you said. "Um. Did you just lick a rock? I guess you are at that age anyway," Mash said, fixing his restraints. "I can handle Abyss, you can focus on Cell War!" You called out.

   Mash hummed, "okay. I need to protect ( Name ). Try to stop me and I'll beat the stuffing out of you." 

   Cell hummed, "can you really protect them?" Carbon magic started to rain down on Mash. The magicless boy quickly grabbed the carbon rod and swung it, destroying the rest of the carbon shower.

   More carbon spikes came forward. Mash covered his face as he was pushed back. "What's wrong? Were you all talk?" Cell summoned more carbon spikes, which gathered into one spiky attack.

   Cell laughed manically. 'He's fighting one of Innocent Zero...' Abel thought as a flashback started. You looked worried and started to heal Abyss much faster. 

   "Abyss was a fool. He had no reason to protect me. We might as well be strangers," Abel said holding Abyss in his arms. 

   "You made him happy. He had no one. He was lonely. Life didn't seem worth it to him. So when  you need him, I think it made him happy. I know because, I'm kinda the same. That's why, we'll save him. And get him those cream puffs he wants," Mash said. 

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐄: 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 & 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now