vox x female!reader

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WARNING. smut, blowjob, deepthroating, degradation, slight x valentino.


"Come on, Voxy~ It'll be fun!" Valentino grabbed  Vox by the arm, pulling him out of his chair and down the corridor. He trailed his finger down Vox's chest, "Just take this time to have some fun and relax~"

After being forced down several floors, Vox found himself sat at one of Valentino's clubs, music pounding his ears as he saw several women flock around his friend. Some even tried to press their breasts against his arm but he simply shook them off, uninterested. That was until he noticed Valentino remove one of the girls sat next to him and motioned somebody to sit next to both him and Vox.

Soon a tall dressed in black with (F/c) accents sat down next to him with her back facing him. Valentino began playing with her hair until one of his hands moved down to her waist, slipping under her shirt and massaging her sides. "There she is, my beautiful (Y/n)! Looking delicious as always, baby. Come on, give me some kisses--"

Valentino leaned down, shoving his tongue into her mouth as he swirled his tongue around hers, devouring her mouth. He continued kissing her, even after she'd placed her hand against his chest, signalling for air. Due to lack of air, (Y/n) staggered backwards, her back leaning against Vox's shoulder while her hand landed on his inner thigh. Because of how close she was, he could hear her soft gasps and moans as she kissed Valentino.

Vox felt her grip on his thigh tighten when Valentino began caress her breasts, teasing her nipples. "N-not now, Val. There's too many people around."

"Hmm~ That's too bad. I really wanted to fuck you tonight, I just love how good your pussy feels~" He slapped her ass while leaving various different marks down her neck. "So beautiful, they'll be great for your photoshoot in a few days. But before you leave, why don't you give little Voxy over here a good time~"

(Y/n) turned around, making eye contact with Vox who'd been staring at her the entire time she'd sat next to him. Finally seeing her face, Vox subconsciously swallowed the saliva building up in his mouth. She was fucking stunning, especially when she smiled at him. Vox felt her grab his hand before she stood up and gently pulled him along. "Have fun, Vox!"

"W-wait, hey! Ah~ shit--" Vox tried pushing (Y/n)'s head back, his cock twitching in her mouth. He felt her tongue lap around his tip, licking his precum before pressing down on his tip. Her hand reached up to play with his balls, earning a series of moans to erupt from his throat. 

While she continued to suck his tip, her other hand stroked the base of his erection at a quick pace. Vox tilted his head down only to find her staring up at him, her (E/c) eyes clouded with lust and hunger. Her expression causing Vox to place his hand on the back of her head, slowly pushing it further down his cock and making his head swing back against the wall. 

Two hands placed themselves on Vox's thighs and (Y/n) took a deep breath before allowing Vox to fully enter her mouth. Her moans sending vibrations throughout Vox's body. He began thrusting his hip as he now placed both hands in her hair, his pace quickening as his moans raised in pitch.

"ANgh~ Ah! Fuck, f-fuck your th--throat feels s-- so godamn gooddd~" A collection of gags and moans elicited from (Y/n)'s mouth as her hand reached down past her underwear, stroking her clit. Vox felt his hips shaking yet his thrusts became more intense as he felt his climax approaching. "Oh you're su-- such a good girl~ Such a good cum-dump for me, aren't you? Are you touching yourself th-thinking about good my cock taste, hm~? Y--you dirty slut~" 

At his words, (Y/n) began sucking him off more harshly than before, drool dripping from the corners of her mouth as her lipstick smudged. She felt him push his cock to the back of her throat, releasing into her mouth with a deep groan.

"Shit! Oh fu-fuck..." (Y/n) swallowed everything in her mouth, even licking the cum that dribbled down his softening erection. "Ah-- ahh~ (Y/n) y-you don't have to-- fuck! You don't need to do that, angh~! H-hey, it's over!"

"Over?" Vox watched as (Y/n) stood up pressing her boobs against his chest, a hand caressing his twitching cock, "You couldn't possibly think that we're finished here, Vox. If I'm such a 'good girl', then aren't you gonna reward me~? I wanna feel this inside me."

As she finished her sentence, Vox noticed his cock becoming hard once more as he looked up to see (Y/n) stripping her clothes off. He leaned down to kiss her when a hand blocked him, "Oh Voxy~ You can't possibly think you can fuck my model without me~?"

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