various x male!reader

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WARNING: fluff, vox angst.


"Come-- on (M/n)! We can try it for a few weeks, and if it doesn't work out then-- we'll go back home!" Your friend dragged you along a path, one that you never thought you'd walk down. You continued to resist by not only pulling back but screaming about how you didn't want to follow your stupid friend to some redemption hotel. 

Recently, your co-worker, and good friend, (F/n) had begged you to attend a redemption course at a place called 'Hazbin Hotel'. You'd heard of the place before but decided that you didn't need it. You wanted to continue doing your job at a local restaurant your father owned as it payed well, the customers were fairly nice and you got to eat good food whenever you wanted.

Luckily for you, your father saw how talented you were so he eventually promoted you to run the three restaurants in that district. Many knew your name and many celebrities, and even overlords, called you to make food for their fancy events. At one point you even made a lunch schedule for Lucifer himself! You enjoyed your time in Hell, so why the Hell would you wanna leave?

You'd told (F/n) several times that you'd fired them if they kept bothering you about it, yet they didn't seem to care and eventually just dragged you over after they finished their shift. "(M/n) I promise you that it'll be worth your time. I know you don't want to go to Heaven, but I don't want to go to that hotel alone. I'll even tell them that you're only there to support me, so you don't have to do what they say. Deal?"

Sighing, you patted their head. "Fine, just this once. But when you go up to Heaven, you better tell every angel about my cooking."

They looked at you surprised, as if they didn't expect you to agree. Before you could insult them, you realised that you had already made it to the front door and could hear several voices inside. (F/n) pushed you in front of them, signalling you to knock because they were too nervous.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Shortly after knocking  you heard the people inside quieten down and a pair of footsteps walked your direction. The door swung open and you looked down to see a blonde girl staring up at you with a confused expression. The pair of you stared at each other until you noticed a tall male dressed in red walk up behind her, smiling ear to ear at you. 

"Well, hello there! How may we help you?" His red eyes watched as you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

Coughing , you looked down at the girl from before, giving her a small smile. "Uhh, hi. My friend says they want to stay here, like the redemption stuff. If that's alright?" The girl's face lit up as she happily invited you inside.

"Yes, of course!" She noticed (F/n) stood anxiously behind you, pulling them inside as she introduced you to everybody present. The entire time you couldn't help but notice the red head from before taking more than a few glances at you. Him constantly smiling at you was starting to make you even more nervous than you already were.

After the introduction, Charlie and Vaggie took (F/n) on a tour while you stayed in the lobby, reading a book, until a tall guy named Angel Dust began flirting with you. He sat on the edge on your chair, fiddling with your hair as you continued to read your book. Slowly, his hand trailed down your neck and onto your chest, giving it a squeeze.

"Come on, why won't you answer me?" Moving his hand back up to you head, he tilted you head back causing you to look at him. In response, you placed your book on the table next to you and removed his hands from both your face and waist.

Giving him a small smile, you pat his shoulder, "Sorry, I'm not interested. Maybe try it with (F/n)."

"Not into men, are ya?" Angel Dusk huffed, beginning to get up when you beat him to it. Staring into his eyes, you smiled yet again at him before holding his cheeks.

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