valentino x top!male!reader pt.2

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WARNING. smut, blowjob, deepthroating, slight public.


The following morning, Valentino woke up feeling amazing yet still fatigued, being unable to flip on his back without his ass throbbing in pain. The previous night had drained him completely.

Whenever he thought that you'd finished, he'd stretch out, only to find that your cock was still stood upright. At one point, he ended up telling you that you could do whatever with him, something he half regretted. You didn't stop fucking him for another hour, claiming that you had a lot of pent up stress that only Valentino could relieve.

A bright blush covered his face, remembering the sight of your body hovering over his naked, sweaty body, your voice whenever you would call him 'Princess' or 'Good girl'. He's had plenty of one night stands, fucked many and been fucked several times, but for some reason, having sex with you was the best experience he's ever had. 

He could feel his cock twitching, looking down to see it slightly throbbing, somehow still excited despite the numerous climaxes from last night. To be honest, he didn't think he could cum anymore with how much came out of him. He looked around his room, especially towards the mirror but was surprised to see that everything had been cleaned up. It wasn't until he noticed a message from his phone that he realised what happened.

'Hey, princess.'

'Noticed you fell asleep while I was fucking your tight little hole so I changed your sheets and got rid of any cum. Hope you slept well.'

'I think you needed it after our... 7th round? Sorry, I could tell you were tired but I really couldn't stop fucking you, you were just so fucking hot moaning underneath me. I think it was the 11th round when you said your ass couldn't take it anymore. Next time, I'll limit myself to 4 rounds, and whack one off if I'm still horny.'

'Anyways, just want you to message me when you wake up so I can head over. See you later, darling. <3'

Valentino guessed that you'd probably saved your number in his phone when he was sleeping. He noticed how even when typing, your manner of speech was still grammatically correct, ignoring how you obviously tried to make him embarrassed.

He sent you a quick reply before heading over to his closet, grabbing something to wear before he looked in the mirror. His blush deepened upon seeing the evidence of last nights antics scattered across his body, wasting no time in getting changed and leaving to get the breakfast that he desperately needed.

When he reached the lower floor, he found Vox and Velvette having a conversation. Upon seeing him, Vox stood up, walking over and grabbing him by the cheek and dragging him to sit down. As he landed, he instantly shot back up, letting out a yelp as pain shot through his ass. "Ow! Hey, that hurts!"

"Oh really, does it? Is it 'cuz you were too busy fucking that asshole last night!?" It was as clear as day that Vox was seething with rage. He paced back and forth, "Did it not occur to you that he now fucking OWNS YOU!? People are going think we're a fucking joke! Some random fucking sinner came in, fucked you, and now he owns your soul, Val!"

"Yes, yes, I know. You don't have to be so angry about it, I mean-- I doubt someone like (M/n) wants to run a porn studio." He joked, holding his cheek as he watched Vox turn to him with a murder-like expression on his box head. Just as Vox went to walk up to him, the door swung open, revealing your tall figure as you walked inside. "Val~ How are you feeling? Need me to carry you?" You sat down next to him, ignoring Vox as he glared at you. "I'm glad you answered me, Princess."

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