lucifer x female!reader

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WARNING. angst with a good ending, ooc charlie.


"I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong, babe... I've tried talking to her, cooked lunches for her, made her handmade gifts, and even helped her start a hotel! Yet she won't even spare me a second." (Y/n) sighed and placed her hands on her head as her leg bounced on the sofa.

"(Y/n), sweetie, I know how hard you've tried to make Charlie like you, and I'm grateful that you wanna be close to my daughter, but you can't force her to like you. It'll just make things worse, so just try being a little more patient." A hand placed itself on her shoulders, gently massaging them as looked up to meet the eyes of her boyfriend, Lucifer.

He moved around the sofa to sit besides her before pulling her into a hug, her head leaning against his chest. "Charlie still isn't over her mother's absence, and trying to fill the hole in her heart with another woman won't work."

"Baby, I'm not asking to be her new mom, I don't expect her to ever think of me that way." (Y/n) sat up, reaching over to a box on the nearby table. "I just want her to at least try and be nice to me, even if it's just a small chat every other week. How are we supposed to get along if she refuses to even look my way?"

"It's been four years, Luci. Four years and my relationship with Charlie has gone from blunt chats to her straight ignoring me-- it hasn't gotten better but worse!"

Lucifer looked down at her hands, seeing letters from several different people agreeing to try the Hazbin Hotel and a messy lunch box. (Y/n) had tried helping Charlie by spreading the word about her deeds throughout the Pride Ring, even going as far as to organise meeting of those who wanted to give it a try.

"Why? Why does she have to take her anger out on me? I haven't done anything, yet she hates me so much! I can't take it anymore..." Tears flooded her eyes as she held her face in her hands.

"Honey, just-- give her some more time, and she'll start to warm up--" (Y/n) startled him by abruptly standing up before she walked over the the dinning table, papers covering the surface. She had just come back from visiting the hotel with several folders in her hands, claiming that a guy called Alastor had asked for her assistance in making plans for the hotel. Lucifer hadn't seen her smiling that widely for a while, she spent the next couple of hours making food plans, activities and more until she received a message from Charlie telling her to forget everything.

"Time? I've dealt with her antics for over four years now!" She turned around to yell at him, anger clear on her face. "How much longer do I have to deal with her shenanigans, Luci? She complains about me to her girlfriend all the time! A few weeks ago, she even had the audacity to claim that I was with you because of your money!"

"Since when have I ever asked you for money? I always pay for my own things, even when you offer to pay, so why does she accuse me of such shit? I wanna be an neutral terms with her but  her shitty behaviour is driving me to insanity!" 

"(Y/n), you know I love you but you better watch your mouth when your talking about my daughter." Lucifer stood up with his eyebrows furrowed as he walked towards her and gently held her cheek.

"And I'm your lover yet you don't fucking act like it, Lucifer!" (Y/n) slapped his hands away and stepped back, "You keep telling me you love me but won't even help me... Everytime you defend your daughter and won't even see my side, and then you claim to want the best for us! I'm done trying. I'm done with Charlie, I don't care if we never end up--"


Lucifer swung his hand up, his bare hand whipping (Y/n)'s cheek as he glared at her in anger. (Y/n) stared up at him in horror, stumbling back while she held the stinging side of her face. "Don't you ever fucking dare to insult my daughter, (Y/n). She doesn't have to like you if she doesn't want to, so stop being a bitch and trying to force her!"

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