alastor x nb!reader

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WARNING. angst with a good ending, hanahaki disease, you have a brother, decide the gender yourself, and (F/n) is father's name this time, not friend's name

the writing changes from past to present, in case you get confused. 


I'm such an idiot! 

How could I have ever thought that he would love me, even just like me, back! 

I met Alastor after my friend, Charlie, had begged me to try her new Hotel she'd been running. I didn't believe in redemption, not after I'd been in Hell for several decades. Heaven never opened up there gates before, and they wouldn't open them now.

Every now and then, I'd ask Vaggie to help you with my training as she seemed to be a good fighter and I didn't want to train with some weak bozo. Sometimes, the pair of us would come home in shambles, Vaggie would had several injuries while I only had a few scratches. Working under Lucifer allowed me to train under him and many other powerful figures, and to me it was a great opportunity.

At least that's what I'd thought.

When I came back to the hotel, Charlie would always scold me for going too hard on Vaggie before going to treat her wounds, leaving me by myself with a medkit. Eventually, Alastor would come down to help me claiming that I kept bandaging myself incorrectly, and how he couldn't let a precious guest get ill. 

I would always thank him and slowly he began to ask me about my personal life, whether it was about how I became so strong or about my life as a human. Whenever he asked something, I would answer him honestly. I felt at peace having somebody to talk to, even if he wouldn't reveal things about himself back. It was just nice to not be alone anymore.

Of course I had Charlie, but we weren't particularly close.

Alastor never got angry at me, and sometimes he'd invite me out to join him on his adventures to the tailor or cannibal town. I'd heard from Rosie that she knew Alastor wasn't interested in having a love life with anybody, so that fact that he treated me so well was a large surprise. It gave me butterflies, to think that an overlord like him could possible have feelings for me.

That was until the very first petal that fell out of my mouth.

I'd gone out to buy art supplies after Niffty told me she wanted me to paint her. At the time, I thought it would be nice if I could draw everybody and give it to them as a gift. When I returned later than usual, I was met with Charlie and Alastor waiting for me, claiming to be worried after I didn't come back.

Upon seeing Alastor, I thought that the feeling of love was mutual and decided to confess to him using the painting I was going to make. When I tried to tell them why I was late, a sudden pang of dread waved over me and I felt a warm bile rise up from my throat. A small amount of blood leaked down the side of my mouth as I dropped my bags to the ground before covering my mouth, coughing.

Charlie ran to my side, guiding me to the bathroom in an attempt to help me but I'd told her that I'd be fine by myself. I ran to the sink as I felt the metallic taste in my mouth get stronger, as well as small, soft fragments of something form on my tongue.

When I spat them out, I noticed crumpled petals drifting in the pools of blood. They appeared as a pinkish cream colour when they weren't tainted by the crimson red around them. "What... the hell is going on?"

Just then I heard a knock on the bathroom door as I heard Charlie's voice asking me if everything was okay. Deciding to keep the petals a secret, I threw the chunks into the bin after wrapping them in toilet paper before washing away all the blood.

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