adam x trans!male!reader

913 12 14

WARNING. angst.

ok, this is the last transgender one for now as i'd like to wait until i feel more comfortable in doing them. but i might start doing them again in the future.

requested. (lowkey sorry, cuz i don't think its good enough.)


You were walking through the streets of Heaven, picking up items that you thought would suit Adam. There was something important you needed to explain to him, and what better way to do it than to shower him with gifts first. He was the closest person in your life, and you'd gone through thick and thin with him, so you knew him like the back of your hand.

After having known him for so long, you were sure that he'd be accepting of you, of that fact that you were transgender. Yeah, he might be quite the asshole, but you'd been friends for so long that you didn't think he would be so bothered about something like that. 

And well... you were wrong.

When you called him to meet you in the nearby park, he was happy to see you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you both walked to a close-by bench. Upon showing him the gifts, you confessed about keeping something hidden from him, not looking him in the eye until the last moment.

The second you saw his face, your mood faded into fear, feeling like your heart had dropped out of your body. His face was ridden with... disgust. You stared at him as he didn't even try to hide his emotions. "What the fuck... are you-- serious?"

"I--" Not knowing what to say, you felt yourself stuttering as tears began to swell in your eyes. This was the first time that Adam had ever shown hatred towards you, and you certainly didn't like it. You took a deep breath before fully facing him and sitting up straight. "I'm being serious. Do you have a problem with that, Adam?"

He didn't say anything, watching as your lower lip quivered and how your hands were clenched tightly against your lap. When he finally looked back to your face, he cringed at the sight of you holding back your tears. You were still his friend, a close one at that, so seeing you upset did make him feel bad.

After what felt like an hour, he finally said something, softly punching your shoulder in a joking manner. "C'mon man, don't fuck around like that!" He picked up one of the gifts you'd bought him, nervously playing with it. "We've fucking known each other for years, there's no fucking way I wouldn't of noticed that."

"That's because I was scared, Adam." You couldn't help but let a tear fall down your face, a shaky sigh leaving your lips as you rubbed your face. 

He looked back at you as you turned to stare at the trees in front of you, not feeling as though you could make eye contact without crying anymore. "Scared? What the hell were you scared about?"

"This." Abruptly standing up, you turned back to him, looking down at him in a mixture of anger and sadness. The feeling of betrayal had engulfed your body, wanting to do nothing more than to sprint to your bed and cry for days on end. "I- was scared that this would happened... That you-- would end our friendship, all because you couldn't accept me for who I am."

His next words shocked you, they shocked you to your very core, causing you to falter in your stance as you stared at him with wide eyes. "Well, it's not my fucking fault you're acting like a disgusting freak, is it?"

Not being able to say anything, you just looked at him in disbelief, not wanting the words that had just come out of his mouth to be real. He looked up at you in the same disbelief, as though he didn't expect himself to say it. Reaching out, he gently tried to hold your arm, standing up at the same time. "(M-M/n)! I- really didn't--"

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