alastor x top!male!reader

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WARNING. smut, blowjob.

lets just imagine that alastor keeps his mouth clean in this.

changes from 2nd POV to 3rd. 


There was no doubt about Alastor's sexuality. Well... he thinks there isn't. 

Alastor doesn't have any interest in being tied to somebody on the premise of 'love'. He doesn't have any love to give either way. So whenever Angel Dust would try flirting with him, he would just deny and walk away. However, the tall sinner seemed adamant on getting Alastor to give in, no matter how many rejections he faced.

Today just happened to be one of those days. You were currently walking down the hall with Alastor next to you, chatting away about various different topics. He had offered to join you in your adventure to the tailor after Niffty had accidentally tore your coat when killing bugs.

Despite his odd behaviour, his company was quite nice and you both seemed to getting along. When you finally got back to the hotel, he decided to walk you to your room even though you told him it was alright. 

As you were walking down the corridor, you saw Angel Dust walk out of his room and head towards you. He stopped in front of you, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "Hey sweet cheeks~" 

Alastor wasn't his only target as, after you had joined the redemption hotel, Angel Dust began flirting with you. Luckily for him, you didn't seem to mind his hand touching you but you'd always refuse, claiming that you had no interest in him. So when he whispered in your ear, you knew what he was going to do and took a step back, "Good evening, did you need something, or are you going to try and persuade me for another threesome."

You hadn't mentioned that to anybody. One day, you thought it would be fun to catch Angel Dust off-guard so you agreed to having a threesome with him. Ever since then, his flirting had gotten more severe and you didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Nah, I'm not here to you today." He moved over to Alastor with a grin, "I wanna see if I can get a piece of this meat."

You watched in amusement as Angel Dust did his best at try to convince Alastor to suck him off but failed terribly at it. Alastor's eyebrow continue to twitch, the complete opposite to the smile on his face. He seemed to noticed you enjoying the situation so he let you watch for another few minutes before telling Angel Dust to leave. 

He huffed and stuck his tongue out at Alastor, "Oh trust me, I'll get ya' eventually."

Alastor furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Angel Dust walked away with a hand on his hip. When he was out of sight, he put on his usually face and turn to you, "I do apologise, my dear! Had I known that unfortunate fellow would've pulled  such a stunt like that, then I wouldn't have let it happen."

He hadn't expected to see you so close to him, with you leaning down to tilt your head at him. It seemed like you were going through several different thoughts before you eventually let out a chuckle and smirked.

"Well if he can't, then can I suck your dick?" As the words left your mouth, you put on an innocent face, pretending like you hadn't just asked that question.  You don't think you'd ever seen Alastor so surprised. His eyes brows were raised, eyes wide and you saw him gulp. It took him a few seconds to compose himself, but finally he stuttered a few words out.

"Ha ha! Good joke, my fellow sinner!" He tried to play off his embarrassment by looking away from you and starting to walk away. Never in a million years did he expect you to say something like that, especially to somebody like him. "I suppose you can walk back by yourself, yes? Ha ha ha..."

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