adam x demon!female!reader pt.2

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WARNING. smut, fingering, riding, squirting, creampie, praising.


Adam was internally panicking. He was currently sat in a meeting with Lucifer's daughter, Charlie, having a dumb talk about her shitty little hotel. It was some dumb stuff about wanting to 'help demons', something he had no interest in. Thinking it was going to be alright, he wasn't prepared to see (Y/n) sitting across from him, smiling as though he hadn't fucked her in a shower. 

He knew he was going to see her again, but he didn't realise that it was going to be so soon. It hadn't even a month!

Every word that left Charlie's mouth never reached Adam's ears as he was too busy focusing on (Y/n)'s chest, her breasts were on full display for him to see. The others seemed to be blissfully unaware of her jiggling her tits for him, or rather... they were to only thing he was looking at. She kept moving them, pretending to agree with whatever Charlie was saying, but she was really just doing her best to make Adam lose his composure. And it was working, really well...

He felt his cock throbbing, remembering Extermination Day. The day where he broke into her house chasing after a weak demon, the day where he ate her out and fucked her against her shower wall. It was almost like he got transported back in time to her pussy clenching around his cock, pounding into her as she moaned his name. Remembering how good her body looked underneath his, how her tits bounced everytime he slammed up into her and how hot she looked unable to think about anything other than his dick.

Stuck between the decision of continuing the meeting, or finding a reason to get alone time with (Y/n) was making his head fuzzy. A shaky breath left Adam's lips as he turned to Lute, "Hey danger tits, go walk around this shit hole for me." Lute looked at him in surprise, not realising the sexual tension between Adam and (Y/n). "Pardon, sir? Why would I-"

"Fuck, just do it!" He abruptly shouted at her, causing Charlie and Lute so flinch in shock and (Y/n) to chuckle. "Uhh, I'm just feeling a little ill so get your dumb ass out there, take a fucking look around and then give me some feedback." With much to say, Lute tried to walk towards Adam, who simply pushed her away and pointed towards the door. 

She found herself being pushed towards the door as Adam gently grabbed Charlie's arm and started to guide her to the door as well. "Charles, or whatever your fucking name was-- go give this bitch a tour. If she has good words to say then I'll consider listening to your dumb fucking idea."

Lute tried to get (Y/n) to follow along, "Hey you! What do you think you're doing? Get over here." (Y/n) just looked at her silently before standing up and walking her direction. Just as she was about to get to her, Adam pulled the back of the coat. "No, she stays with me."

"But sir-"

"Shut up already! Fuck, you're so clingy." Adam pushed them out of the door, "This bitch is an Overlord. I'll make her tell me everything so just piss off already!" Slamming the door in their faces, he didn't wait hear her response before pulling (Y/n) to the other side of the room. Eventually, their footsteps got lighter as they walked away, making Adam sigh in relief. Now he had (Y/n) all to himself.

When he looked down at her, he saw her scrolling through her phone, liking pictures of different men while licking her lower lip. It was like she didn't care about his presence yet still decided to  tease him earlier. He snatched the phone out of her hand, "Oi! Why the fuck are you here?"

"Ha... Do you still not realise?" She pressed her body against his, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I'm here to see you~"

Without a second thought, he smashed his lips on hers, shoving his tongue down in her mouth, their saliva mixing as they fought for dominance. His hands ran down her body, squeezing her waist as she pulled him closer, his erection pressing right against her clothed heat. Her moans caged by his mouth as he grinded his hips against hers, grunting at the feeling of his tip rubbing against the fabric.

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