lucifer x trans!male!reader

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WARNING. smut, FTM, ooc charlie (transphobic), praising, overstimulation.

yoo, i'm honestly so nervous to post this as i've never written anything like this. honestly, i feel like i'm gonna shit out a baby. and i'm sorry for those who love charlie, i just needed to make her as mean as possible for the story to work.

requested. <3


"...Fucking disgusting bastard. Don't come near me!"

"Don't even think about it, I'm not letting someone like YOU ruin my birthday. How dad tolerates you is beyond me..."

These words just kept replaying in my head, over and over, and I couldn't stop it, no matter what I did. Like a record player on loop, or a a video with no end in sight. They hurt more since they came from somebody who I really wanted to like, somebody who I thought would understand me. 

Yet, I was an idiot to think that. That person, Charlie, is the daughter to my current lover, Lucifer. At first, she thought we were just friends, and we got along at that point. Then when we confessed about out intimate relationship, she kinda... changed? Not in a bad way, like she was just shocked. Then, she... found out I wasn't really... born a male, that I used to be a female. Everything went downhill from there.

She didn't want me near her, to even look at her really. When she would visit her dad and see me, she'd intentionally make snide remarks about me, and when I'd leave the room; I could overhear her telling him to break up with me. 

From leaving through our bedroom window; to hiding behind anything I could find, I eventually did everything I could to avoid her as much as possible. I thought that even if his daughter hates me, then I shouldn't let that affect our relationship, but I'm really starting to doubt myself now. There were a few days when we'd run into each other, and I wouldn't have Lucifer to help me. 

Earlier today, Lucifer had asked me if I would be willing to cook a certain dinner for him, and I agreed, only needing to buy a few ingredients. After he'd given me some cash, I said my goodbyes before heading to the nearby supermarket.

I was almost finished with my shopping when I'd overheard a familiar voice, one that I'd come to dread. It was Charlie, and her sweet girlfriend, Vaggie. Me and Vaggie had gotten along fine in the past, whenever Charlie would glare at me, she would always try to distract her so I could feel better. She'd even apologise on Charlie's behalf, and I make sure to send her presents on her birthday.

I practically ran to the next aisle, heading to grab the thing I needed, yet I couldn't reach it due to it being on the top shelf. For some reason, they'd decided to make the shelf extra fucking tall, so that you had to be either a giant, or have a stepping stool to reach them. 

((my supermarket has these so i just had to vent.))

And it was almost as though I was in a shitty little book, as I saw Charlie enter my aisle, looking around as though she didn't know what to buy. When I'd gone to leave, she called out to me, gently tapping me on the shoulder. "Uhm, excuse me."

I didn't look up at her, my hood covering my face. Not saying anything, I made a gesture that I was listening as she tried to lean down to look me in the eyes, but I turned away. "Guessing you're not a fan of eye contact? Do you have any snack recommendations?"

I gulped, pointing a few aisles down when I remembered the types of food she liked, doing my best to make my voice sound the complete opposite of usual. "Thank you!" I could tell that she was smiling at me so I gave her a faint bow before attempting to reach up for the last needed ingredient, yet failed. Suddenly, I felt her jump next to me, barely grabbing what I needed before she let her hand fall back down.

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