various x nb!reader

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WARNING. angst, depression, suicide.

modern AU. 

changes from 3rd POV to 2nd.


They should've known.

No, they did know. Yet they just didn't want to be the one to speak up.

After all, who knows what could've happened if they did talk. Maybe things would have gotten worse? Or... maybe that was what they needed to do. They needed to talk to (Y/n) if they actually cared. If they really cared, they should've been their to support (Y/n).

But they weren't...

And now they were dealing with the aftermath of what they'd caused. The death they'd caused, the death they'd let happen. 

Living day by day, knowing that they let their 'friend' die, they didn't even bother to help them. Living day by day, knowing that their 'friend's' family are now suffering the death of their beloved family member, believing that it was there fault. 

It was a couple of months into college when they noticed (Y/n) had become less talkative, only talking when they had to or just straight up not being a part of the conversation. Sometimes, they'd say something to (Y/n) and would get upset when they would look over to see them on their phone. They regret it now, forcing (Y/n) to every little gossip that they talked about.

Around halfway in, (Y/n) had stopped attending college completely, and would rarely play online games with them. Despite this, (Y/n) made sure to regularly message them. Looking back at their DMs', some of them noticed that they hadn't responded to the last few messages (Y/n) sent them.

That was until they'd noticed that people wouldn't respond to them, even though they were online. They'd scroll on social media, finding their same 'friends' posting selfies together and having the time of their lives. Without (Y/n)...


While they were enjoying they were enjoying time together, you were... alone. Especially after you'd been kicked from college. It wasn't like you wanted to get kicked, nor were you happy about it, but it just-- happened. You were struggling to deal with you overall health, that you failed to meet expectations, and you were dropped.

It hurt.

It really did. When you told everybody about it, you got several mixed reactions, yet none of them really made you feel better. Charlie had told her father, Lucifer, who had both joked about how they would've never expected a 'good student' like you to have been kicked out of college. They didn't even react to the reason why you'd been kicked, like it didn't matter. Others, like Alastor and Husk, had reassured you that there's always next time and you didn't need to worry about it.

However, there were also people, like Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb and a few others, that laughed and made jokes about it, adding fuel to the fire burning in your heart. Most of your friends were attending college and working, leaving them without little time and money. Whenever you'd get invited out, you'd be given very little money and couldn't afford to spend money buying full meals like the rest. 

Over and over, your situation was joked about.

'At least I'm in college, and working my ass off, unlike someone.'

'Hey, I work hard! Working is way harder than sitting on my ass all day doing jack shit.'

It drove you insane, but luckily is wasn't enough to make you give up. You did your best to ignore everything, and you were doing an amazing job at trying to better yourself. There were times where you'd look in the mirror and decide that you didn't look horrid, or that everything was going to get better.

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