valentino x top!male!reader

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WARNING. smut, public makeout, hair pulling, grinding, deepthroating, overstimulation, mirror sex, handcuffs, creampie, controlled climax, feminisation.

valentino is probably kinky asf but i'm not so idk how to properly write him. (ミ〒﹏〒ミ)


You were waiting for Angel Dust outside, smoking a cigarette while many people stared at you. You didn't know why. It wasn't like you were the hottest thing to see, I mean, you were literally stood outside of a porn studio. If they wanted something to look at, then they could just walk in and see half-naked people spreading their legs.

Maybe they were curious about the strange guy who didn't seem to fit in, the guy who was fully covered head-to-toe in black with (f/c) accents. A pair of workers stared at you from inside the building and you could overhear their conversation about your appearance, talking about your muscles and face. 

'Woww~ He's fucking hot...'

 'Quit staring at him! What if he says something?!'

'Who cares? He's stood outside of a porn studio, he's gotta be here for something. Fuck, I can't stop looking..

They flinched when you let out a chuckle and walked towards them, throwing your cigarette to the guy who'd asked you for one earlier. Upon reaching them, you leaned down to face them both with a soft smile on your face. "Is there something wrong?"

The one who'd been intentionally staring at you looked up at you with a nervous expression. He looked everywhere but your eyes, reaching over to nudge his friend, who looked away. "N-no... Did you need something?"

"Well I couldn't help but to of overheard your conversation earlier, I do apologise for eavesdropping. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I could've sworn I was the subject matter. I was wondering if you needed something from me?" You placed a hand on the guy's lower back, tilting your head as though you weren't aware of what they actually wanted.

"S-sorry! I didn't think you'd get bothered by my staring." He gulped as you leaned closer to him, a small smirk graced your lips. Angel Dust was over 20 minutes late, so why not have some fun?

You didn't answer him, your gaze focused on his plump lips. Reaching up, you placed your thumb on his lower lip and pressed down slightly, earning a soft sigh. "Bothered? The correct word would be flattered. Someone as attractive as you being interested in me, makes me rather happy. I wouldn't mind spending some time with you, if you'd like?" 

He wasted no time in nodding, going on his tippy toes to kiss your lips. You pressed him against the wall, your arms encasing his smaller figure as he ran his hands through your hair, giving it a soft tug. The person next to you watched in shock, not believing that her co-worker had brought you over by staring. "Oh my Lucifer... In public and everything."

You were somehow completely oblivious to the two pairs of eyes staring at you from afar as soft moans and whimpers filled the lobby as your tongues swirled around each others, his erection pressing against your thigh. To be honest, you couldn't believe that you were starting to get incredibly turned on, something about his behaviour was making you want to have your way with the guy. 

Lifting him up by the thighs, you broke the kiss before sucking down his neck and grinding your hips against his. Just as you went to say something, you felt a hand grab the back of your hair and yank you backwards. "Ouchie, it hurts..."

You turned around with the guy still in your arms, seeing Angel Dust staring at you with an annoyed expression. 

Putting the guy on the ground, you slipped a piece of paper with your number on it into his pocket. "Sorry princess, looks like time's up. However, I would like to continue, soo..." You looked down at his nametag, smirking once you read his name. "...Noah. Save my number, and we can continue this when I'm free. How does that sound?"

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