top!alastor x male!reader

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WARNING. smut, overstimulation, riding, praising.


"Aaa~ fuck..." The lewd sound of skin slapping together filled the room as (M/n) let out soft, muffled moans. His shirt tucked in-between his teeth while two hands gripped his waist, helping him raise his hips up and down. "A-Alastorrr~"

At the sound of his name, he lowered his hands, causing (M/n) to stop with his cock buried deep in his hole. "Yes, sweetheart?" His thumbs ran circles across his stomach, watching how the man riding him twitched as his dick pressed against his prostate. Seeing how (M/n) struggled to response, he pulled him close, making his head rest against his shoulder. "Come on now, finish your sentence."

He knew that (M/n) was only moaning out his name, and he didn't actually have anything to say. But the thought of seeing (M/n) beg for him to move, drove him crazy, wanting to already flip him over and pound his tight hole. "What is it you want, my dear?"

"Hah... mmgh, please Al~" He tried to move his hips, but he was forced still, whimpering at the feeling of Alastor's cock throbbing inside him. "P-Please move, really-- it's too m-much.."

"Hmm, well who am I to refuse a request from my one and only love?" He raised (M/n)'s hips up before slamming them back down, his leaking tip hitting his prostate. (M/n)'s head flew back as several moans and cries left his mouth, his hands gripping Alastor's shoulder with intense pressure. "Is this enough for you?"

The man shook his head, doing his best to beg for him to go faster, to reach even deeper inside him. Alastor only stared at him, watching as he used his other hand to supress his whines. Although he was doing a terrible job at it, he still felt annoyed at the sight of (M/n)'s attempt to be quiet, forcing him to bounce with more intensity as he reach up to play with his swollen nipple. 

He felt (M/n) grab his forearm, trying to remove his hand from his sensitive bud, but Alastor didn't allow him. (M/n) dug his nails into his arm as the feeling of him twisting and pulling his chest, his fingertips gracing over the various dark marks Alastor had left on it. "A-Alastorrr~"

Doing his best to bounce in sync with Alastor's thrust ended up being too much for him to handle as he soon felt his legs going weak while he got sloppy. This resulted in Alastor letting out a short growl, clearly unhappy with (M/n)'s messiness. "Getting tired, are we? That's no good, is it now. I suppose I'll have to do all the work as usual."

He held (M/n) up by the thighs, staring at the sight of his tip lingering inside his twitching cavern, letting out faint sighs due to his hole clenching around it. Feeling two hands place themselves on his shoulder, he looked up to see (M/n) gazing at him with lust in his eyes, tears of pleasure running down his face as he bit his lip. "F-fast, do it fast."

"With pleasure, my love." He wasted no time in dropping him down while also thrusting his hips up, the sudden movement causing them both to curse under their breaths. Spreading his legs further apart, he began slamming his cock against (M/n)'s prostate as he listened to his endless babbles that filled the room. 

The constant pleasure in (M/n)'s hips began to overwhelm him, feeling his mind turn into mush as stars clouded his vision. All he could think about was the thick cock pounding him as well as Alastor's soft grunts next to his ear. 

It wasn't long before he felt his climax catch up to him, thick ropes of his cum squirted out from his leaking tip, landing on both his and Alastor's stomachs as the other sinner smirked down at him. Due to being in his hands, he couldn't do anything but whine from overstimulation as Alastor kept thrusting, even when (M/n) moaned out that it was too much.

His sensitive bundle of nerves were repeatedly hit until he felt his body go numb, pleasure coursing through every cell. Anything that left him mouth was nothing but a choked moan, or a scream of Alastor's name.  He arched his back, being unable to support his body any further, and leaned to rest his forehead against Alastor's shoulder. Soon, a hand grabbed his face and pulled him up so that Alastor could press his lips against (M/n)'s.

The kiss was incredibly sloppy, yet intense, their emotions and feelings being closely shared in that exact moment. Alastor's tongue shoved its way inside of (M/n)'s mouth, their saliva mixing as drool dripped from the corners of their mouth.

It prompted Alastor to flip him over, using his hand to press (M/n)'s face against their pillow as he slammed back inside him. The room was filled by the lewd sounds of their skin slapping and (M/n)'s muffled moans, an occasional grunt from Alastor lingered in the air whenever he would feel him clenched or twitch around him.

He watched as (M/n) gripped the bedsheets, his knuckles turning white as he pressed his ass against his hips, causing him to chuckle. "That's it, sweetheart. You're doing such a good job, honey. You take my cock so well, it's almost like I've fucked you so many times that your pretty little hole can only take me now."

"T-That's be-- because yours is the o-only cock I let f-fuck me~" He reached down to grab (M/n)'s wrists, holding them behind him before he started to pound into him without mercy. With how (M/n) was moaning, while also twitching around him, he didn't think he could last much longer. 

Neither could (M/n) apparently as he hit his climax for the second time, staining the white covers with his cum. "D-Don't worry, darling. I'm almost d-done, you're so tight right now I don't think I can last any longer." How ever many seconds he had left were cut short when (M/n) came, he subconsciously clenched around Alastor's cock, provoking him to finished early.

He soon felt himself releasing inside (M/n), the man moaning out his name as he felt his seed coating his inner walls. Alastor couldn't help but coo in his ear, a little high from the pleasure, causing (M/n) to turn around and kiss him. "I l-love you, Al~"

Alastor pulled him close to his body, wrapping the blanket over their naked bodies before kissing (M/n)'s lips. "I love you too, sweetheart."

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