vox x female!reader pt.2

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WARNING. smut, x valentino, deepthroating, degradation, double penetration, hair pulling, praising, facial.

fuck, writing smut isnt good for my soul.


"Oh Voxy~ You can't possibly think you can fuck my model without me~?"

Looking up at the voice, Vox saw Valentino staring down at him, a smirk plastered across his face. He watched as he tilted (Y/n)'s head back and pulled her up for a kiss, their drool mixing together as Valentino massaged her breast. "Why are you here?"

"Hm?" Valentino pulled back to look at him, he chuckled at the sight of Vox's annoyed expression. "I just told you, honey~ You don't get to have sex with (Y/n) without me. I could hear you moaning and whimpering from the other room, and I just hand to join in~" He pulled her close to him, picking her up by the thighs to carry her before signalling to Vox to follow him.

Vox couldn't help but look away at the realisation that people probably heard his dirty talk, along with his high-pitched whimpers. He slowly began following Valentino when he heard (Y/n) moaning, causing him to stop in his tracks and look at them, seeing how Valentino's lower hands played with her wet pussy. "Fuck..."

Eventually, they arrived in one of the back rooms, with Valentino instantly moving to the bed to kiss (Y/n) while Vox watched them anxiously. He'd never had a threesome before, he hadn't even had sex with somebody confident like (Y/n). It was a completely new experience than what he'd been through before. 

He sat there, thinking about if they'd get caught up in each other that they'd forget he was even there. To be quite frank, it pissed him off, he started it and now Valentino was gonna come in and steal his bitch. 'His bitch?' Since when was he on that level with the woman? He'd only just met her, and now he was acting as though they'd been fucking for years.

He didn't realise that he'd zoned out until he felt a familiar pair of lips around his cock, along with and unfamiliar pair. A short groan left his lips. "W-What?" Looking down, he saw (Y/n) and Valentino staring up at him while they licked and sucked every surface of his dick.

"Don't forget where you are, Voxy~" (Y/n) pushed Valentino's face to the side, letting Vox's cock reach to the back of her throat once again. The taller sinner only chuckled, bending down to suck on anything she couldn't fit in before licking up his v-line. "How lucky~ She's usually never this interested in anybody, including me. I'm quite jealous..."

He moved behind her, caressing her thighs as he spread them apart, allowing him the full view of her soaking pussy, lightly slapping it a few times. He leaned down to catch her clit in between her lips, earning several moans that vibrated up Vox's body. "Look how wet you are, babe~ You want our cocks that bad, hm?"

Pushing his fingers inside her twitching hole, he began stretching his digits apart as his thumb circled her sensitive bud. The entire time, (Y/n) did her best to please Vox, but the pleasure was becoming too much, leading her to grab his hands and place them on the back of her head. It took a second, but he seemed to understand what she meant, thrusting his hips back and fourth as she placed her hands on his thighs. "F-fuck... good girl~"

At the pet name, she whimpered and stared up at him. "That's it... that's a good girl, such a beautiful slut for me (Y/n~ Do you like my cock in your mouth?" Not letting her answer, he continued to fuck her, moaning out her name until the throbbing sensation in his cock finally released.

Pulling himself out of her mouth, he positioned his leaking tip over her face, watching how it spurt cum across her face. The entire time, she kept eye contact while sticking her tongue out to catch anything that dripped down. "You're fucking gorgeous, Princess." He leaned down to kiss her, pulling her away from Valentino to wrap his arms around her waist. "So pretty."

"Wow, if I didn't know better, I would've thought that you were dating~" Valentino pulled her back against his chest, reaching down to spread her legs apart, with her pussy on display for Vox to see. "You've only just met her and you're already cumming on her face, already talking to her as though she's your lover. I didn't know you were so daring, Vox~"

(Y/n) looked up at him, the cold air against her dripping cunt made her shiver, wanting either one of them to just fuck her. Upon seeing her expression, Vox wasted no time in slamming his cock into her, not giving her time to adjust before he started pounding his hips against her ass. 

"F-- fuck, sweetheart... You're s-swallowing me whole~" He felt her twitching and clenching at the sudden pleasure, watching as she threw her head back as moans escaped past her lips. "V-Vox~"

At the sound of his name, he placed his hands on her waist, pulling back so that his only his tip remained before slamming back inside. "Look how well you take me, Princess~" He repeated this action, over and over, enjoying the sounds of (Y/n) moaning at his name. "T-too much, it's too mu-much! Vox, I c-can't take it any-- anymore, really..."

Whenever she would complain, he would either pull out, or go slowly, resulting in her begging for him to go faster. And he would comply, thrusting into her at inhuman pace. He enjoyed watching her face contort in pleasure, and he felt his climax approaching. 

It wasn't until somebody had pushed them together, that he remembered that Valentino was still in the room, despite fucking the woman on top of him. (Y/n) felt herself being squished in between the two men, their hot bodies pressing against sensitive areas. Vox's cock had left her pussy, now standing against her thigh while Valentino's pressed in between her cheeks.

She didn't know why, but for some reason, they seemed to be jealous of each other when it came down to her. Everything from the glares to the intentional interrupting was beginning to annoy her. The knot in her abdomen would always get so close to unwinding, only to be cock-blocked by their childish antics. "Will you two stop acting like idiots, and just fuck me already!?"

Suddenly, they both entered her, slamming their cocks inside in sync as though they'd planned it. A choked moan left her lips as her hips shook in excitement. She leaned her forehead against Vox's shoulder, whining while the pair began to move. "W-Wait, really-- this t-time... It's- too much, too--"

A hand slipped inside her mouth, its thumb rubbing against her tongue as tears of pleasure ran down her face. It stayed there, preventing her from biting her tongue. "Careful now, sweetie. We don't want you to hurt yourself."

She looked up to see Valentino smirking down at her, "That's it, there's that beautiful face I love to see~ You're so gorgeous (Y/n)..." He captured her lips in a sloppy kiss, with her not being able to properly think straight with the two thick cocks embedded deep inside her. She could only make out the tight feeling in her abdomen, everything else appeared as stars as lust clouded her vision.

Both men stared at her, listening to the delightful sounds of her moans and their skin slapping together. It made Vox want to go even faster, but he didn't want to over do it in fear that he would hurt (Y/n). Seeing his uncertainty, Valentino chuckled and sped up his thrusts, causing her grip on Vox's shoulders to tighten. "Don't worry, she likes it rough~"

Vox let out a short groan, but his words prompted him to go faster, eventually continuously landing on her g-spot. She let out random babbles as she did her best to tell them that she was close. "I know, baby~ You're doing such a good job for us. S-such a good slut, aren't you?"

Valentino continued to tease her, reaching to play with her nipples while Vox focused on on the pleasure he was feeling. Her body felt numb as she felt herself climaxing, her hips shaking as her fluids traced down her thighs. The two men weren't far behind as they too were nearing their climaxes. Vox leaned to kiss her, "F-- fuck (Y/n), your pussy f-feels so fucking g-goodd~ So amazing."

Eventually, they both felt themselves releasing, with Vox pulling out to cum on her stomach, while Valentino buried his cock further inside to coat her insides with his seed. Panting, they looked down to check on (Y/n), only to see her slowly losing consciousness. "Shit, (Y/n)!"

"I-I'm fine, just a little bit tired..." She closed her eyes, falling against Vox's chest who stared down at her in shock. "(Y/n)..."

"Relax, lover boy~ It's finee! She just needs to rest up, after all... we didn't show any mercy."

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