lucifer x overlord!top!male!reader

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WARNING: smut, dumbification, overstimulation, degradation, begging, deepthroating, hair pulling. 


Every demon, human and angel know about Lucifer, I mean the guy is the King of Hell. How could you not know him? His overwhelming strength caused almost every demon to respect him, whether it be out of fear or genuine admiration. His title as a fallen angel caused him to lose some respect as a few demons couldn't accept the fact that their 'King' wasn't even a bad person.

Many demons admired him for his looks, overlooking his height, but we love a short king. There were many rumours that Lucifer constantly radiated holy light, and some even stating that staring into his eyes causes ones lust to rise.

Despite all the silly rumours that circulate him, there was one that turned out to be true. One about his love life! 

Now, who could it be the one that managed to captivate the heart of the demon king? Surely it must be somebody strong and powerful? No! Maybe a beautiful woman just like Lilith? Nope! It was the quiet and reserved overlord, (M/n).

It was a massive shock for the entire pride ring. No even past that! When Lucifer had confirmed that they were dating, it reached all the way to the other six rings of hell almost in an instance! And it's not like (M/n) was some no name demon, he was the strongest overlord in the Pride ring. He had come out of nowhere, just like the Radio Demon, and caused havoc across the entire land.

It became so bad that Lucifer even had to step in in order for demons to live without the fear of going outside. That's where they met, one day after (M/n) finished killing off a group of demons Lucifer appeared behind him, warning him.

Witnesses say that before Lucifer could finish speaking, (M/n) had already launched himself towards him ready to fight. Their battle lasted hours, only ending when (M/n) took a heavy hit causing him to flee. Not to another place in the Pride ring, but down. (M/n) smashed the ground, over and over again, eventually forcing his way out of the Pride ring and into the Ring of Wrath.

(M/n)'s power shook the entirety of Hell. That day, every demon could feel the power encasing the Ring of Pride falter and many took their chances at escaping through the hole created. So it was a surprise when people realised that they had fallen in love despite the giant mess caused by (M/n).

Despite this, many demons had the balls to assume that (M/n) was the bottom. It started off with light jokes and teasing everytime they were spotted outside with each other. Even the other deadly sins began to make jokes about it. At first (M/n) ignored them, deciding that wasting his time arguing about their sex life was not something he wanted to do, but eventually they started to tease him right to his face, and at public events!

And that's where the currently were, an event hosted in a friend of (M/n)'s, Stolas, mansion. All deadly sins and other influential figures were invited but, to (M/n)'s annoyance, many didn't show up. Stolas had to calm (M/n) down upon learning that he wanted to pick a fight with those who didn't appear.

And it was here that (M/n) once more proved his overwhelming strength to everybody present. A few celebrities had gathered and formed a ring around a group of imps, one of those imps being somebody (M/n) recognised. 


Stolas made sure to regularly tell (M/n) about his love towards a certain imp he worked with, even revealing to (M/n) that he gave him his grimoire. If Stolas loves this guy, then there's no way he can let this happen. "Hey, hey. What the hell is going on here?"

Pushing his way through the crowd, (M/n) noticed one of the guests' going to spill there drink on Blitzo when he rushed in front of him, taking the hit. The surrounding people gasped as a red liquid rolled down (M/n)'s clothes, staining his shirt and revealing his abs. 

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