adam x demon!female!reader

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WARNING. smut, shower sex, face riding, degradation, slight breeding kink.


Extermination day. The day where countless demons are slaughtered at the hands of the angels. It's also the day where hundreds of demons swamped (Y/n)'s hideouts spread across the Ring of Pride.

Fortunately, for them, (Y/n) provided a safe haven to those who where willing to fall under a contract and obey her every orders, or those who she took pity on. It had been around for centuries yet not many knew of its existence due to the pact they had with (Y/n). I mean, if every Dick and Dom was able to enter her hideouts then she would have more demons than space, leading to probably more death than those caused by the Exterminators.

Once they had finally pledged their loyalty to (Y/n), they would be given the freedom to enter any of the 72 portals scattered around the Pride Ring. Each portal lead to a different space, some only holding up to a hundred demons while others could fit thousands. They each had various different themes to them, but were all filled with the necessary to keep them alive for up to three months. However, upon singing the contract, you would not be able to speak a word about it to anybody nor could you abuse it and live there permanently unless (Y/n) had given permission.

Their was one portal could only be entered under strict requirements, and that was because it lead directly to (Y/n)'s home. One could only enter it if under the wheel of death, and before you entered you had to shout her name and the gate would open for only three seconds before it locked shut. It was probably the safest place in all of Hell, nobody knew how she had the power to create such a thing but they weren't complaining, no angel had ever managed to enter. 

Well... until today.

It was currently that time of the year, and (Y/n) could sense thousands of demons entering her base, as well as the giant portal that had opened up outside her home. She couldn't care less and she was more focused on the shower she was currently taking.

It had been a long day for her, she'd gone down to the Ring of Greed to have a meeting with Mammon, who was more than happy to make her trip 10x worse. She was told that it would take around an hour, but when she got there, he had continued to yap for almost three entire hours. He seemed to think that (Y/n) was dumb enough to fall for his scams and had constantly tried to  trick her into buying his shitty merch. She was incredibly thankful to Asmodeus who had come to collect her after he was told that she was stuck talking to Mammon.

Everything seemed to be going okay until she felt somebody enter the portal leading to her house. And then she heard a small explosion in her front yard, causing her to abruptly down off the water and wrap a towel around her body before heading towards the noise.

When she got outside, she noticed a weaker demon cowering in fear as he crawled backwards. Upon hearing her, the demon ran towards her with tears in his eyes, clasping her towel and hiding behind her. "M-- m-miss (Y/n), please h-help me! I got stuck helping a kid and c-couldn't make it to a safehouse in time. And it turned out the kid was a trap set up by the angels! I'm sorry, Miss."

(Y/n) didn't look at him, only waving her hand back as a signal to run to the lower levels to her house and hide there. "Yeah, yeah... I get it, hon. Be a sweetheart and go hide for me. If this bozo who followed you here managed to break in, then he's got to be incredibly powerful, you'll only get in my way."

The guy ran inside as (Y/n) stared at the guy stood in front of her, leading her weight on her right leg and tilting her head. "Hm? How come you didn't attack me when I was talking to him? I thought you were trying to kill him, or am I wrong?"

He only stared at her, or rather her body. "How come you're fucking naked?"

"I was just in the shower, thank you for asking. I've had such a horrible day, I needed a nice warm shower to make me feel better but then you broke into my home. Do you think you could leave, and you know-- go after somebody else?"

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