Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter 2

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Jim mumbled. Once again the picture was changed to the Hero's forge, Blinky circling Jim who stood straight up in his armor, sword raised.

"Wider stance. Keep your frame. No, that's good, that's good. Yes, all right, fine. That's better."

Jim followed every order.

"All right. Raise your sword, Master Jim."

Blinky pushed the sword to a higher height as Jim stayed in the position that Blinky had guided him to reach.

"Mm-hmm. Head up, chin out, stomach in."

Watching from the sidelines were Aaarrrgghh and Toby. Aaarrrgghh had dumped the contents of a paper bag into his mouth, burping as he swallowed.

"Mmm. What's this?"

"Dander from my Nana's Persian and a couple of hairballs."

"Mmm. What's this"

Aaarrrgghh dropped the whole bag into his mouth and pointed with a smile to Toby.

"Mm, tasty."

Arrrgg burps again. Jim who never followed Blinky with his head nor eyes, only focusing on the positions and what Blinky had spoken to him.

"The Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules. Rule number one: always be afraid"


"Be afraid."

"Yeah, I don't think that'll be a problem. Whoa!"

Jim quickly ducked as a rock was thrown to his head, missing it easily. He turned his head to see Aaarrrgghh with a closed fist, obviously, he had caught the rock. With one gulp, Aaarrrgghh swallows it as Blinky continues, Jim's face full of shock.

"See? Fear is good. Keeps us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes us vigilant. A hero is not he who is fearless, but he who is not stopped by it."

Blinky threw more rocks at Jim, the boy quickly avoiding all the stones.

"Got it."

"Two: always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy."

Blinky laughed as he threw more rocks, Jim, using his sword as a shield. After the rocks were no longer thrown, the camera panned upwards, showing every piece of Jim's armor.

"Okay, enough with the rocks, already."

"Always finish the fight?"

Jim was suddenly taken down by a rock, a groan escaping him as the one who had done it Aaarrrgghh hand still reached out after throwing the stone.


Toby pointed to Aaarrrgghh to say he had done it while Jim stood up, his hand rubbing the sore spot forming on his head before facing Aaarrrgghh and Toby.

 "What the heck" 

"Indeed. The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death."

"Dude, that's harsh."

"Ours is an unforgiving world, Tobius. Hence, the third rule: when in doubt, always kick them in the Gronk-nuks."


Jim repeated. On cue after a few steps of Blinky's foot, a large blade fell near the space in between Jim's legs. He screamed and back away as Aaarrrgghh let out a shiver.

"The horror."

"So, basically, you're saying that one-third of being a Trollhunter is kicking someone in the nards."

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