Claire and Present Danger

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At the museum, Strickler and Bular were ready to open the bridge. Goblins chanted, their fists pumping slowly into the air, preparing for the coming darkness. Everyone stood aside as the bridge lit up. Strickler walked slowly down the aisle, holding the amulet aloft, with Gunmar waiting to be freed on the other side. When Strickler reached the bridge, he kept the amulet raised as he kneeled, and the Goblins' chants grew louder.

"Open the bridge!"

Gunmar said smoothly as Bular chuckled and stepped up to Strickler pulling the amulet harshly from Walt's grip.

"It is my honor, Father."

"Where is the young changeling?"

"He should be here. Fragwa, take your brethren and fetch that vile little beast."

Some of the Goblins reluctantly left. 

"For centuries, Father, we have awaited your glorious return. Tonight, we take back the surface lands. Tonight, we feast!"

Bular held the amulet, tiny in his large hand, as the Goblins screamed. The amulet glowed a soft blue light, pulsing as it neared the bridge. Bular gently placed it into its designated spot. The hands began to move, smoke radiating from them as energy illuminated every crack in the bridge, with the eyestone shining the brightest. The explosion of light forced everyone in the room to shield their faces.

"Finally after centuries of being in the Darklands.."

Gunmar spoke but the bridge had started to shake, causing Bular to gasp out and point out the obvious.

"Something is wrong!"

He yelled. The bridge started to crack, the light of the bridge getting harsh, blowing the people near the bridge away, Strickler pushing through the strong wind.

"Take out the amulet! Take it out now"

"The portal is closing!"

Gunmar's voice was becoming distorted, Bular hanging off the side of the bridge and gripping the amulet. The stubborn metal hadn't come out, Bular's grip being lost as he fell to the floor.

"My son.."


"My son, what have you done?"

He tried to reach through the wall, his hand not going very far, being stopped by the blue border before Gunmar completely vanished and the amulet falling limp onto the floor. Strickler stepped up to the amulet and read the carvings.

"Daylight is his to command. Bular!"

"You said the amulet would open the bridge!"

"Bular, I know what we need."


"The Trollhunter. The amulet won't work without him. He is the key."

"Bring the Trollhunter to me!"

Bular ordered, looking at Nomura.

"It will be my pleasure. To get a little family reunion going sooner than we hoped."

She ran off, searching for the said boy. Bular threw Strickler into the nearest wall before looking at the Impure.

"Pray that you're right, impure, or Arcadia will burn in my fury."

"He still has the fake amulet. Nothing will protect him now. We will have him and both sides of the plan will come to order just like we have always wished."

Outside of the Nunez house, Toby stood in their lawn, fishing through his backpack, naming off what he had inside as NotEnrique sat on the window sill, listening to the pleasing offers.

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