Recipe for Disaster 2

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While Jim had been occupied with Strickler, back in the said Changeling's office, the rest of the Trollhunters snooped around. Aaarrrgghh's large hand felt beneath a table as Blinky spoke.

"I'm afraid to say it, Tobias, but everything here appears to be quite normal."

Blinky mentioned something while rearranging the books on the bookshelf. Toby sat in Strickler's spot, turned on the lamp, and flinched slightly at the harsh beam of light. He tapped his fingers together and hummed before fiddling with a pen as he thought out loud.

"If I were Strickler, where would I keep my secrets?"

He pulled the cap of the pen and tried to click it back on but missed the cap, causing him to glance at the deformed pen.

"I found a secret key! How spy is this thing?"

"Key? To where?"

"A changeling key for a changeling lock. Look. Look for a lock."

Blinky stated as he thoroughly checked everything, including the phone. NotEnrique watched them run around like headless chickens until Aaarrrgghh surprised him by picking him up to check the chair he had been sitting on. Blinky searched the drawers near an old religious mask, wrapping one hand around the mask's neck and pressing it against his face to look around. Toby, busy checking the top shelves, didn't notice Blinky exploring everything in the room. Blinky discovered the piano, gasping in shock with a small smile. He played a quick, wonderful beat on the keys while Toby searched beside him. Toby moved a few books and then turned around, shocked.

"Guys. I found it!"

The piano stopped as Toby removed the cap and tried fitting it into the keyhole but it was unsuccessful.

"What the? It won't open."

"As I told you, by only the hand of a changeling can one open a changeling lock."

Blinky said, gesturing to NotEnrique, who was sitting on top of the bookshelf reading a book. Blinky had been moving a few books while NotEnrique, contained in Aaarrrgghh's hold, looked extremely upset. Toby forced a key into NotEnrique's grip and guided his hand to insert it into the lock. NotEnrique twisted the key, causing the lock to click and rattle, glowing bright green and shocking everyone—except NotEnrique, who remained visibly angry. The bookshelf slowly descended into the floor, revealing a hidden room. Blinky gasped at the sight, and Aaarrrgghh called out.

"Found it."

"I feel violated"

"Gee! Look at all this stuff."

Toby said, the three surrounding the desk as the only human flipped through all the papers. Blinky's countless eyes had caught a certain piece of paper laying on the desk and questioned it's meaning, especially when the paper had drawings of the amulet and a few small pieces replicating the hands and details of Jim's amulet.

"What could he be doing with these?" Huh."

"What is it?"


Blinky simply answered as he studied a piece of the fake amulet and even licking it. Toby left his side and drifted to another desk to find an open book.

"Whoa! Wicked."

"Undoubtedly so. The Book of Ga-huel, Gumm-Gumm history."

"Whoa! Is this Gunmar?"

Toby said as he started to look through the book he then flipped the page.

"Dang, look at this guy. He looks just like you, Aaarrrgghh!!!"

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