The Shattered King and Shifts 2

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In Trollmarket at the Gyre Station, Aaarrrgghh stood in the always dim room, spinning the vast wheel of the Gyre while his friends loaded in it.

"If Wumpas don't let outsiders into their camp, how do we get the stone?"

Jim asked as his friends headed to the seat, Blinky behind the controls once again, starting it up. Aaarrrgghh stepped on, letting the stairs lift behind him.

"Don't worry, Master Jim! I already have a plan! It's rudimentary. If Quagawumps are hostile to outsiders, we'll need an insider! One of you is going to pretend to be the human reincarnation of the Shattered King! It's genius!"

Jim said as a large bang echoed in the tunnel, the machine whirring before it blasted off, the team no longer phased by its speed. 

"What? That's insane!"

"You, Tobias, bear a most striking resemblance to their dead king."


"Yes. The Quagawumps are short and stout in stature. It'll be a role of a lifetime. Mostly because if they see past our little charade, the time of our lives will end. Well, we better get a move on."

Blinky said, his smile fading as he finished his sentence. Toby yelped as the Gyre came to a harsh and quick stop before the wheels were still and the stairs fell to the floor, giving them the easy way to step off. Aaarrrgghh held his head, groaning as Jim and Claire looked at one another, a little shaken up.As the Trollhunters walked further into unknown territory, the color becoming nothing but dull greens and simple blacks. There was rarely any light, the only sources were random green crystal sticking out from the trees. Birds were squawking, making the scenery seem more haunting.

"This place is creepy. Where are we?"

"A place renowned for its vast swamps, theme parks, and retirement communities. Florida!"

"Come on, Your Eminence. Your people await."

"I'm just saying- I'm built to be a sidekick, you know? I'm not- Leading man material. I'm a wingman."

"Don't be a wuss."

As they continued forward, two figures popped out from the grass, the tops of their heads blending with the tall grass perfectly. The grass rustled as they moved through it, the noise alerting Aaarrrgghh. The large troll growled, his fists thumping on the ground as his human friends stayed close to him. A large group of green trolls appeared from the grass, the blunt end of their spears hitting the dirt, the chants continuing as they cornered the team.

"Mmm! Humans! A taste not common."



Toby said before the trolls gasped, lowering their weapons, shocked. His friends stood behind Toby, Blinky was equally shocked, Jim, confused, and Claire seemed nervous.

"It is I, the Shower King!"

"Shattered KING" 

Blinky whispered harshly to the boy. 

"The Shattered King! Reincarnated as a human. Whoo-oo!"

"You're not a ghost."

"Gunmar kill you. You cannot be. Prove you are he. Show us great magics, god-king. Hi-yi-yi yi-yi-yi-yi-yah!"

The others copied her chant, all of them growing impatient. Toby whimpered, turning to his friends who were at a loss on how to help. Doing his best to encourage Toby, Jim gave him a thumbs up which earned him a jab in the arm from Claire. Letting out a sigh, knowing he was on his own, Toby turned to them.

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