Gnome Your Enemy 2

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The early morning sun shone over Arcadia as Jim woke, his head finally on the pillow as he rolled over, waking up to find a doll sleeping beside him. He screamed as Toby opened the wall and pulled Jim from the house.

"What's wrong, Tiny Jim? Did you not sleep well in Nana's dollhouse?"

"Why am I still small, Toby?"

"I don't know. Maybe stuff works differently on trolls than it does on humans."

"Oh, my gosh. The gnome! You did it? I told you I was supposed to Oh, no! School!"

"We have to call you in sick. Tell them you ate too much chocolate. That always works"

"No, Senor Uhl can sniff out a lie a mile away."

Jim saw Tobys computer and his Phone. And an Idea came to mind. 

"That's it! Toby, I need you to do me a huge favor. Well, maybe a small one. But huge."

Toby ran through the school with a computer, passing the gym teacher.

"Hey, Jello Mold! Why aren't you in your gym clothes?"

"Sorry, Coach! No gym today! Got the shingles!"

He said as he ran to the spanish room. Where their teacher was waiting rather impatiently. 

"Jim Lake? Jim Lake? Is Jim Lake here? How disappointing but not entirely unexpected. - Moving on."

Toby burst into the room, setting the computer on the stool and opening the laptop to find Jim.

"No problemo! Jim's here, virtually."

"¡Hola! Sorry, I couldn't be en escuela, Seanor Uhl, but I'm sick en casa. Which is fitting since I'm doing my comprehension presentación on Ponce de Leon, who muerto-ed from a great illness."

"Hey! "Muerto-ed" is not a word!"

"Nope. I'm curious to see where this is going. Continue, Mr. Lake."

"Ponce de Leon, one of the most famoso Spanish conquistadores is best associated with the Fuente de la Juventud, the Fountain of Youth."

Nana began to vacuum, as everyone looks in question. Senor Uhl didn't like it.

"What is that horrible noise?"

"Uh, construccion. Uh, remodeling. A minor intrusion. Un Minuto, Senor Uhl."

The phone smashed against Jim's face as Nana pushed the shoe with the vacuum. Jim watched the large woman as she picked up the little kennel, the gnome popping up to the door, with a growl.

"What are you doing in here, Mr. Meow Meow?"

"Mr. Lake, are you there? We don't have all the time."

"No, no no need to fight at home. Ponce de Leon joined Columbus in the New New What in the world?"

Jim exclaimed as he watched helplessly when she opened the crate door, letting the gnome run free.

"Did Toby lock you up? Do you need some fresh air? Don't get into too much trouble. I wouldn't want you to interrupt Nana's true-crime show."

She grabbed the vacuum and left the room, slamming the door shut.


"You seem distracted. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine! Uh, he sailed las Carreras across the Oceano-"

His voice trailed off as he stood and looked around the dollhouse, glancing at the roof of it.

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