To Catch a Changeling 2

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Toby groans as he holds the horseshoe in his mouth before reaching the end of the rope and struggling to touch the coach but he manages to press the horseshoe to his face - Nothing happened. Except that Toby fell.

"Domzalski! Drop down and give me 50."

The next target was Eli, which came as no surprise, given his penchant for mentioning sightings of trolls and other suspicious creatures. Jim, this time, held the horseshoe while Toby concealed himself behind an open locker, perplexing Eli. Jim approached Eli cautiously and playfully poked him, eliciting a startled jump from Eli and causing Jim to instinctively step back as well. The situation grew awkward as Jim attempted to play it off nonchalantly, chuckling nervously and crossing his arms while glancing at Eli. Sensing the tension, Eli quickly made his exit, passing the horseshoe to Toby as they both made their escape. Next up was Toby, who set up a table with a large piece of wood adorned with nails and painted rings, resembling a target. Below, a sign read: "Horseshoe Toss," with the 'o's drawn as horseshoes.

"Step right up! Toss a horseshoe! Win a prize!"

Probably an hour later, he stood in the same place, resting on the table as no one stopped by, repeating the line dryly. The two laugh as they saunter off. In the theatre was Steve and Claire practicing their lines.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak"

Steve said before the horseshoe came flying out from nowhere, not missing its intended target. The iron artifact bounced off Steve's head and to the large drapes. Claire yelled out as Steve leaned over in pain.

"Hey! Who did that?"


A hand quickly swiped the horseshoe away which appeared to be Jim as he handed it to Toby.

"Your turn."

Exhausted of their activity, Toby just walked by a crowd of people, touching everyone in his path but earning nothing. Toby met up with Jim by the lockers.

"Any luck?"


"Yeah, I struck out, too."

The two see Strickler walking around and he stops a girl and starts to reprimand her. 

"I don't believe that's appropriate school attire."

"You, uh, try this out on Mr. Strickler?"

"Come on. You really think he is one?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now? I don't want to embarrass ourselves."

"You just don't want to admit that Strickler"

"I don't want you to upset anyone who grades our final exams!"

"Fine! Okay, we'll do it later."

The school bell rings as Toby pulls it suddenly away from Jim and throwing it in Strickler's direction. The points of his shoes barely touching the Gaggletack. The camera slides up to find Strickler's unreadable expression.

"Whoopsy! Slipped."


Jim quickly apalogized before going to retrieve it, however, Toby moves his arm in front of his tall, lanky friend, stopping him in his tracks.

"Uh, mind picking that up for us, Mr. S?"

"And waste such idle hands as your own, Mr. Domzalski?"

"Our backs. Coach Lawrence put us through the wringer this morning. "

Strickler watched with amusement. He knew what was going on. After all, finding out that the Trollhunter was a mere student and the object lying in front of him with their useless excuses, he knew way to well. Claire interrupted the moment by picking up the horseshoe for him and holding it out for Strickler to take. Jim and Toby sighed.

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