Recipe for Disaster 1

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In the middle of a lecture, taught by Strickler. His class was dark except for the large projector screen that was lit up, a map was locked on the screen, army men, tanks, and many red lines were colored on the olden map.

"War is constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and his enemy's. Napoleon's words show an unquenchable need for conquest. A man who could not be stopped. So, what was the French general's downfall? Did he stare down the barrel of a cannon? Did he die from the deafening silence of a classroom?"

The students laughed, obviously enjoying the comment and waking themselves up but two hadn't laughed. Jim and Toby watched from the way back, glares plastered on their faces and wanting to take out Strickler then and there. 

"Look at that. He's got the whole class eating out of his hand."

"His creepy troll hand."

"I trusted him. He betrayed me. And worst of all, he hit on my mother. I should end him now"

"Or you can ask him to divulge the whereabouts of the bridge that could release unspeakable evil? I don't know. Do you think Strickler knows you're the Trollhunter?"

"Bular called me "Young Atlas." Only Strickler calls me that. Of course he knows. But he doesn't know we're onto him."

"Malaria. The world's most powerful army felled by the bite of an insignificant insect. One last lesson. Who can tell me where Napoleon kept his armies? In his sleevies."

The class groaned as Strickler laughed as he walked off the screen. Strickler walked right up to Jim who was holding his book and glancing in Toby's direction.

"Young Atlas, If I could have a brief word before you leave. A lone, please."

That simple term had caused Jim to stand and Toby to run right to Jim's side, not wanting to leave his friend alone with a Changeling. Jim continued to look at Walt while Toby leaned into Jim's ear.

"Not until after he divulges where the bridge is."

He whispered and ran off as Jim straightened. Claire had been watching Jim, her full focus on him which had caught Darci's attention. Her friend nudged her gently.

"Looks like someone has eyes for Jim."

"Remember that letter I was telling you about?"

"The one where he was fighting all of those inner monsters? You don't think he's crazy, do you?"

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out."

Claire said with determination. They left the room, leaving Jim with Strickler. If anything, Jim had been a little worried.

"Uh, is everything okay?"

His fingers tapped the desk as Strickler's eyes fell to the boy's backpack. Jim used his foot, pushing the bag away as the amulet was sitting on top of his items, in view.

"Actually, no. Due to recent developments, I don't want things to be strange between us."


"Your mother has invited me over for dinner. I've graciously accepted. Will that make thing s awkward?"

"Awkward? No, no, no. It's just dinner. Right?"

"Splendid. Then I shall be seeing you this evening."

As Strickler walked away, his back to Jim, the Trollhunter glared. From Jim's pissed face, the scene changed to the boy's locker room, Jim and Toby had occupied a bench as Toby began his daily struggle, putting on socks.

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