Bittersweet Sixteen 1

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In the depths of the forest, the camera focused on Strickler as he crossed over a fallen tree, straightening his coat and brushing off the sleeves. Nearby, Changeling approached a cluster of rocks surrounded by scattered bones and debris from a damaged gate. Stooping down, the teacher picked up a glass-like scale from the ground, his expression turning into a frown as he glanced towards the damaged sewer entrance.

"This is a scale, isn't it? You've summoned a stalkling."

"To do what we should have done long ago."

"Stalklings are as dangerous and unpredictable as they are uncontrollable."

As he stepped up to Bular, he heard a familiar screech in the sky. With his face twisted in anger, he looked up, finding the beast flying in front of the sun. He scoffed before stepping closer to the troll.

"We agreed that any attempt on the boy's life would bring too much scrutiny."

"Which is why I summoned the Stalkling. I'm sick of hiding in shadows while this fleshbag stumbles closer and closer to my father's bridge. When she gets her prey alone, no one will ever see or hear from the Trollhunter again. Lest they find his rotting bones."

The Lake residence. The flap of the wings continued until it buried itself into the tree standing tall beside the home. Three windows were focused on but one had been its main target as it growled. In his bedroom Jim is tossing and turning. Flashes of blue light, a dark presents haunted the boy. Glowing eyes accompanied with a blue hand, and the faint sounds of a muffled cry. He startled awake. That dream had been with him since he was little. He never was able to figure out what it was about. His mother and father back when he was four took him to a Phycologist to try to see why he was waking up in the night constantly. They chalked it up to night terrors a lot of kids have them and he presented a lot of symptoms. It really freaked his dad out and he remembers one night having been woken up and his dad had this face of fear. He never looked at Jim the same after that night. Jim just tried to shake it off. Thoughts like that were not uncommon. His electric blue eyes twisted to the door, finding his mother with a tray in her hands.

"Wake up, wake up! Don't want to sleep through your big day."

"Big day?"

"The big day you start with Mom's special birthday pancakes!"

"He looks like he's screaming."

"He's excited. I know, I know. You always hate your birthday. But you're 16! This is a big one. We should do something tonight."

"Oh, Mom, you know I don't want to-"

"This isn't up for discussion. No one should be alone on their birthday. When you've had your fill, I have another surprise for you downstairs."

She headed down the steps as Jim sighed once again before glancing at his pancakes, the candle still lit ablaze. He took his fork and poked into the food. The familiar call of the walkie-talkie pulled Jim from his misery and to into a sudden shock.

"Warhammer to Trollhunter. Copy?"

Toby said into the device. Jim dove into his desk chair and picked up his own before speaking to his best friend.

"Copy. What is it, Tobes?"

"Look out your window!"

He commanded excitedly. The Trollhunter quickly stood over his desk, peering out the window only to find Toby standing in his room waving his arm happily as he held a paper birthday cake that had been bitten into. The cake had been drawn with two layers and three candles were cut out on top. The first layer which had been missing a piece said: Jim. The bottom layer which fortunately still intact had the number Sixteen written on it.

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