The Shattered King and Shifts 1

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The pain never subsided. His skin still felt like it was missing something but now there was this feeling like it was too tight. It had been days since Angor Rot had attacked. Jim was in the void getting pummeled by his predecessors. Even here he could feel the toll that Angor had taken on his body. In a realm between realms. He never felt pain in here from his physical form. Soon they started to ridicule him for his poor life decisions. Which he was already doing and they clearly hadn't said anything that he wasn't already told, figured out for himself, or were just plain anxiety talking and they needed to come up with new insults these were getting old. only so many times being called an impure is going to hurt they needed to get creative maybe some other trollish insults or something to spice up his daily knock-out drag-outs.  But he needed answers so here he was.  

"You have been marked. A fate that no one comes back from."

"He said he can't kill me so what else could he have meant? Who was he referring to when he said that someone required me to still be alive? What else did he do to me? I can't ... I feel..."

"You are in great pain?"

"I can't it feels like my skin is too tight yet it burns. Something was torn away from me by that monster."

"None of us know what kind of magic he preformed that day but we assure that it was not good. You have put all those around you at risk."

"I don't even know what danger they are in."

Another wave of pain washed over the trollhunter. He let out a growl as his eyes flashed yellow. Kanjigar came closer to the trollhunter as if to assist.

"What is happening?"

"I don't know leave and have Blinky take you to Vendal."

The void closed and Jim layed on the Forage floor. Thankfully Toby and Claire didn't come with today but Draal was there.


Jim let out another Howl of pain. His eyes stayed yellow and didn't fade. Shocking Draal.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I am fine"

"You look like you are in some pain."

"Nothing I can't handle, I better get going Draal I should be heading to school I am going to be late."

He rushed out of the heroes forage and heading to school. The protector of the Trollhunter was not so convinced that they boy was indeed truly fine. 

Later in the day, Jim, who was digging in his locker, turned to look as Toby tried to catch up with her, failing to catch her attention. Mary had found herself beside Claire, not really paying attention as Claire moved a strand of hair from her face, smiling nervously at Jim. It made the boy nervous as his eyes grew in size before he closed his locker with a stiff wave. The locker popped open again causing him to nervously slam it shut, an awkward smile now forming on his face. Claire coughed into her hand, trying not to laugh. Mary had caught the not so subtle action as Claire waved so she turned to look at Jim. However, Toby quickly came into view, slamming his head on the locker, right in front of Jim. Toby let out a heavy and tired sigh.

"Well, I've asked out every single girl."

"They all said no?"

"Of course not. I got a few "as ifs." A couple "not in a million years." One actually gagged. I took that as a not interested."

"You actually asked out every girl in school?"

"Nope! Saved Claire for you, buddy. I didn't wanna promblock you."

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