Waka Chaka 1

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The tranquility of the night was shattered by the roaring truck, its tires protesting as the reckless driver careened down the road. With his knees guiding the wheel and his hands moving like a drummer, he hummed along to loud rock music blaring through his headphones. Skidding to a stop near a house, he hastily unloaded packages from the back, tossing them as he danced. Meanwhile, a creature lurking in the bushes observed closely, its eyes fixed on the oblivious driver.

As the man approached the house, dropping a fragile box in his distraction, a delivery person yelled a warning to the truck. Unbeknownst to the driver, the creature swiftly invaded the unguarded truck, rummaging through the crates inside. Eventually, it revealed itself—a goblin, poised on all fours with long, nimble fingers gripping the taillight. Quietly, it signaled to a group of fellow scavengers before continuing its search for valuables.



The group of goblins commandeered the truck, rummaging through parcels while one kept watch, glaring at the oblivious driver who strummed an imaginary guitar and rang doorbells. Inside the truck, amidst the search, one goblin stumbled upon a black marker, his breath quickening at the find. With a mischievous air, he swiftly drew a commanding mustache above his lip, signifying leadership.

Conversing in their native tongue, the goblins gestured towards a package they couldn't open, while the driver, jotting down information on a slip of paper, approached a house. Gasping, the goblins warned each other as the driver returned, prompting them to abandon their plan of prying open the package and instead push it out from under the truck, concealing themselves beneath it as the mailman retrieved the undelivered item.

As the driver wrote on another slip of paper, the goblins anxiously watched, their leader still in hiding. With a slam, the door closed, and the truck rumbled to life, startling the goblins. But luck favored them as their leader burst free with laughter, only to be abruptly ejected from the truck with a sickening crunch, leaving his companions flinching in horror.

The truck departed, leaving behind the lifeless goblin, its green entrails splattered on the pavement, a tire track marking its demise. The marker, like an omen, rolled towards the next in line for leadership. With gleeful anticipation, the new goblin picked up the marker, emulating the mustache of his fallen predecessor, reveling in his newfound authority.

"Waka chaka!"

"Waka chaka!"

"Waka chaka!"

In the Hero's forge, a contraption whirred into action, spewing flames towards the Trollhunter. Jim deftly dodged the fire, only to find himself in the trajectory of a barrage of sharp projectiles. With swift reflexes, he maneuvered his sword, expertly deflecting each oncoming threat. Even as he darted around, Blinky provided guidance from the sidelines, but Jim remained focused, successfully parrying every assault.

"Always be afraid. Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive."

Blinky stated. Feeling accomplished, Jim stood proudly with his sword, that was until a silver ball had knocked Jim off his feet.

"Arrogance gets you killed."

"Yeah, I'll have to remember that."

Blinky lifted Jim from the ground, placing him back on his feet and shoving his master gently forward.

"Draal, however, does not fear you. That will be his weakness, but not you. You'll be wetting your armor. That will be your strength."

"Oh, yeah. Looking good, Jimbo. Feel the burn! - If Jim's getting fit, I'm getting fit. Don't want to be too big. Not that there's anything wrong with being big. But if I'm gonna have Jim's back, I gotta be nimble."

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