A Slow Melody I

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In the bustling meeting room, a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes fixated on the opposite wall, their gaze deep and contemplative. As discussions swirled around her, the girl to whom those eyes belonged absentmindedly tapped her finger against the polished surface of the crystal table. While others busily made arrangements for upcoming events, she remained lost in her thoughts, a whirlwind of emotions churning within.

Excitement mingled with apprehension as she contemplated the opportunity before her. She felt a surge of anticipation at the prospect of showcasing her talents, yet a nagging fear gnawed at her, whispering doubts about her ability to meet expectations. The reason for her inner turmoil? She had just learned that she was selected to be part of TWICE's first sub-unit performance—a stroke of luck that left her both exhilarated and anxious.

Amidst the flurry of activity, the manager's voice cut through the room, signaling the end of the meeting.

"Alright, everything's set. Let's prepare and get this done," came the directive.

With that, the others began to filter out of the room, leaving behind the girl who remained lost in her thoughts, and when the silence broke the trance of the girl, she just stands up and walked towards the door, still with her thoughts a million miles per hour,


She suddenly took a halt next to the door after hearing her name being called.

As Mina turned to face the familiar voice, she felt herself losing balance as a certain girl threw herself into Mina's embrace. "Oh, this is gonna be amazing, are you excited?" the girl managed to ask Mina between joyful giggles and shining eyes.

"I-I don't know," Mina stuttered, her honesty evident in her voice.

"Are you worried about not being enough and disappointing everyone?" the other girl asked, her gaze soft and reassuring.

For a moment, Mina found herself lost in the hazel eyes before her, finding calm and feeling a weight being lifted off her shoulders. She sighed deeply and with a soft smile said, "You really know me so well, Sana."

"I know my words maybe can't stop you from feeling that way, but seriously, you are one of the most talented among us. Anything you do, even if it's not beyond perfect, it's gonna be better than most of what people can do," Sana reassured Mina as they walked through the hallway towards the cafeteria.

"You're right. It's just, some bad habits from the past that sometimes take over myself," Mina replied softly.

"Yes, I understand," Sana said, knowing exactly the feeling. "But hey, we are in this together," she continued, trying to lift the mood. And yes, it turns out, the first sub-unit performance is going to be a duet, with Sana and Mina being the ones with the honors.

"I'm going to kinda miss Momo," Sana's demeanor turned a bit sad.

"Hey, don't worry. It's just for this performance. We are still going to debut the three of us," Mina reassured her.

The actual plans for the company were still to debut their first sub-unit as MiSaMo. However, right now, Momo was too busy with her own solo performance project. As a kind of test to help the girls accustomed to performing on their own, they were going to present a duet on stage for their next concert.

"I know, I just like to be dramatic," Sana said with an innocent look before both of them burst into laughter.

"I really love you, Sana," Mina said, interlocking their arms as they walked to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm kinda irresistible," Sana replied with a mischievous look, rushing to the counter and leaving Mina rolling her eyes.

A Harmony of Hearts (MiSana/Satzu?)Where stories live. Discover now