Preps (M)

117 6 4

This chapter will contain explicit scenes, don't read if you are under 18.


The morning light flooded the city, its intensity almost aggressive. The cacophony of car horns and bustling pedestrians added to the frenetic atmosphere.

Emerging from a bakery, a tall, brown-haired woman, juggling a paper bag in her hand was startled by the collision with someone after neglect her attention in the street to check her watch, she hastened her pace, veering sharply to the right. Fortunately, the shadow of the towering buildings provided some relief from the scorching sun; otherwise, she'd be drenched in sweat, a prospect she dreaded.

Arriving at a traffic light, she impatiently waited for it to change, every passing second heightening her anxiety. When the signal finally shifted to green for pedestrians, she practically skipped across the street, each step propelled by urgency.

"Perfect," she muttered to herself, steeling her resolve. "Just cross the park, turn right, and I'll be at the dorm in no time. You got this." But her plans hit a snag as soon as she entered the park she needed to traverse. The sight that greeted her wasn't exactly conducive to her immediate happiness.

A bustling event occupied the park, resembling a festival. However, her real dilemma lay in the fact that she had to navigate through the large square to get to her destination, definitely it wasn't help, that the event was hosting a free concert for the festival. And when you combine the words "concert" and "free," the result was her worst nightmare: a massive crowd.

"Great," she grumbled inwardly. "Now my only route is jam-packed with people. How on earth do I make it there in 10 minutes?" but there was no time for self-pity or contemplating alternative routes. With a resigned sigh, she steeled herself against the impending crush of bodies and began to weave her way through the crowd.

"Thank God for making me this tall," she silently thanked as she crossed through the crowd, careful not to trample anyone and holding her paper bag aloft to avoid getting crushed.

It took her what felt like an eternity—was it ten minutes? Fifteen? Twenty? She honestly couldn't tell anymore—to finally emerge on the other side of the square. Disentangling herself from the throng of people, she immediately glanced at her watch.

"Damn, I'm late," she realized with a sinking feeling. It was already 10:35, five minutes past the agreed meeting time. She had missed it. Logically, she knew she should just give up and walk at a normal pace; the others would likely have finished their meeting by the time she arrived. But giving up wasn't in her nature. Sure, she might not be particularly competitive in sports or games, but when it came to something important to her, she was determined to persevere.

Without a moment's hesitation, she set her sights on the building and broke into a brisk run, her quick steps turning into light jumps as she made a beeline for the entrance.

Finally stepping into the elevator, she allowed herself a deep breath of relief. Despite the cold weather outside, she could feel the warmth of exertion coursing through her body. As the elevator doors slid open, she hurried towards the door of their dorm, eager to join her fellow members for a final breakfast before their departure to the US.

"I'm finally here," Tzuyu announced as she entered the dorm, making it into the kitchen. However, to her disappointment, she found everyone else just finishing up, some already standing.

"I'm so sorry, Tzu. Jeongyeon, Nayeon, and I have something else to attend to before our departure. We couldn't wait for you," Jihyo apologized, her tone genuinely remorseful. Tzuyu offered her a smile in return, understanding their situation.

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