Chapter 20: Long Time No See

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The final bell of the day rang and I made my way to my locker with Niki by my side. She was talking about the concert we were going to see this summer while I shoved my books into my locker and closed the door that was still covered in the ugly sharpie marker.

Most of the students were gone when we finally made it out the front doors of the school. I waved to Niki as we parted ways and began on my journey home. I felt like I haven't seen my mom in ages.

A frown creeped across my face as I thought about this. Between spending time with Aspen and Niki, being in the hospital, and all of the drama that's been going on lately I haven't spent any time with my mom. I shook my head, I am such a bad daughter.

10 minutes later I made it to my house. Once I had shut the door behind me my mom peeked her head out of the kitchen and grinned at me before quickly making her way over to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her small frame and rested my chin on top of her head.

My mom was small. She was about 5'1 and only weighed 120 pounds. We pulled apart and she dragged my to the kitchen. I set my bag down and watched as she went back to stirring something in a green bowl.

"What are ya makin?"

"Banana bread. How was school? I heard from Aspen that you made a new friend! What's their name?"

I laughed at how she got so excited and went to start on the dishes that were in the sink. I hate doing dishes but it's the least I can do to help.

"School was alright I guess, and yes I do have a new friend. Her name is Niki and she's really nice."

"Well that's great! You'll have to invite her over for dinner sometime so I can meet her. What would you like for dinner? I can make pasta if you want."

"Sure, I love pasta. Do you want to watch a movie tonight? We can go see a new one."

"Alright, as long as you don't have any homework. What movie do you wanna see?"

"I know that I'm 17 and all but I really want to see that new movie Inside Out, is that one ok with you mom?"

"Yeah sure, it looks like a cute movie. We'll go after dinner."

I love my mom. She's one of the few people that understand my weirdness and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Short chapter, I know. I just felt like updating and Ryder hasn't really been home in a while. As always remember to vote, comment, follow, and READ!


Song of the day: Go Go Go by Sleeping with Sirens

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