Note: Just a short snippet today.
*Porte sat in his car in the driveway of his family's home. He knew that he should be parking in the garage, but he was still contemplating whether or not he should stay or drive to his apartment in the city.
Being here made him miss his mother. He missed talking to her. He missed her smile.
Porte wanted to tell her about today despite his issues with Luka. He wanted to tell her about Esi. He knew that it wasn't a date, but he wished that it was. He wished that she would let him have her.
Not in a possessive way. He didn't want to own her. But if someday he ever go the opportunity to hold her heart, he would cherish it.Porte groaned and leaned his head back against the rest as he thought about her. He was picturing Esi in that mustard colored-top that complimented her skin. How she glowed. The shy smile that she sometimes gave him contrasted by how her eyes flared when she spoke about something she was passionate about. When she tried to cheer him up after his brother left by talking about the most random things.
He wanted to draw her, paint her, capture her.
She made him miss it—the art. Capturing memories. Capturing the good in life, no matter how scarce.
Was it wrong that he was happy at her slip up? At the fact that she let him hold her hand.
He remembered the warmth of her fingers splayed across his chest.Porte had to fight the urge to pull her to him. It would've scared her since she only wanted them to be friends.
Maybe it was her instincts telling her not to let him get any closer. A dark chuckle escaped him. Or maybe a small part of her knew—knew who he was. What he was capable of.He should walk away from her—away from this friendship before something happened, but there was this light to her. To how she laughed.
A light in spite of. Because something had to have happened to her in the past—some reason that caused the hesitation that he sometimes glimpsed.
Yet, it seemed like she was still living, and he wanted to learn it, after everything that happened. To learn it from her.
A/NImagining Us is mainly from Esi's POV, but sometimes Porte wants to say his bit.
Comment below if you enjoyed this little insight!
I may double up this week because this chapter is short.
Thanks for reading.

Imagining Us
RomanceWill their pasts allow them to have a future together? Elizabeth "Esi" Solomon is an Afro-Caribbean British girl studying at an Ivy League University in Connecticut with big dreams to make the world a better place. Porte Danvers could not be any mo...