Chapter 11. What does diet mean?

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What we are exploring: What do people from different groups understand by the word "diet"?

What's new: What does "diet" mean in its true sense?

What we will learn: How to properly apply the diet in your life?

1. If there were forever agreement among philosophers regarding the meaning of words, then almost all their disputes would be stopped (Descartes R. 1989. Vol. I) [1].

2. Most of the disputes stem from the fact that the same word is used in different meanings (Cesar Chenault Dumarce) *.

* Cesar-Chenault Du Marsay (or Dumarsay) (1676 - 1756) - the largest French grammarian and rhetorician, author of numerous articles in the French Encyclopedia.

3. Different meanings of diet. People who care about their health and body shape often come across the word "diet" in the process of reading, listening, and communicating. Scientists and nutritionists, the food industry and distributors, trainers and athletes, fashion designers and models, doctors, and other medical personnel use the word "diet" in their vocabulary in the course of their activities. But what does each person from these groups understand by this word? Most likely, in Western society, the concept of "diet" is a mystical riddle with a secret meaning that needs to be solved (from the word "guess"), rather than known and understood. Proof of this is the particular meanings given by the Merriam-Webster* dictionary:

1. Food and drink regularly provided or consumed:

a diet of fruits and vegetables, a vegetarian diet

2. Habitual nourishment: links between diet and disease.

3. The kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason: was put on a low-sodium diet

4. A regimen of eating and drinking [under control, ed., author] sparingly so as to reduce one's weight: going on a diet.

5. To cause to eat and drink sparingly [under control, ed., author] or according to prescribed rules.

6. To eat sparingly or according to prescribed rules [under control, ed., author]: has been dieting for two months.

7. Reduced in or free from calories: a diet soft drink

8. Promoting weight loss (as by depressing appetite)

Most likely, a person who is not experienced in the meaning of the word "diet" will guess and therefore any definition related to his environment will suit him.

* Definition of diet (entry 1, 2, 3 of 4) – Merriam-Webster Dictionary,


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4. The word "diet" and the environment. Those people who have already embarked on the thorny path of following a diet in their lives tend to guess with its different meanings. Scientists, nutritionists and doctors usually use 2, 3 and 4 values. Food processing and nutritional supplement distributors - 7th and 8th values. Coaches, athletes, fashion designers and models - from 5 to 8, depending on their hidden inclinations. As a result of the private use of the word diet, the concept has been divided into fragments that do not agree with each other, which leads to pointless debate about which definition of diet is correct [1]. In order not to get confused in the many meanings of the word diet, let us turn to a holistic understanding of this word. Integrity in understanding is achieved in the ability to see the essence of the word diet or what the concept of diet actually means.

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