Chapter 23. Individual capacity and abilities

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What we are exploring: What are capacities and what are abilities?

What's new: What does the development of abilities depend on?

What we will learn: How can the emotion of interest help us recognize individual capacity?

1. "From the position of the scientific accuracy of terminology, one reproach can be brought against all statements of this kind: we should talk about the innateness, not of the abilities themselves, but of the inclinations [capacity, ed., author] underlying these abilities" (Teplov B.M. 1985) [1].

2. Capacity and abilities. Every relatively healthy person has the capacity and abilities that he wants to develop to lead an active lifestyle in his chosen area of human existence. This is the same for all people. Before we begin to discuss the issue that relates to individual capacity and abilities, it is necessary to clear up any misunderstanding of the meaning of these terms. Based on some psychological theories of the Western school, in the mass consciousness of people, abilities are considered innate, without taking into account the capacity that is the basis for the development of human abilities [2, 3]. But in reality, there can only be innate capacity, within which success in the development of any abilities partly depends.

3. Innate capacity. To understand the essence of this statement, let us turn to specialists of the Soviet school of psychology of individual differences. She considers human capacity as innate inclinations, clearly distinguishing them from abilities. As this comes from a quote from the Soviet specialist in the psychology of individual differences B.M. Teplov *., it is necessary to distinguish between innate inclinations, i.e. capacity, from abilities **, which in their essence cannot be innate. Abilities can only develop based on innate capacity. Therefore, we can only talk about the abilities chosen by a person, which he wants to develop based on capacity under appropriate conditions (environment) to different levels of mastery.

* Teplov B.M. (1896-1965) - full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, professor, Doctor of Psychology, scientific director of the laboratory "Psychophysiology of Individual Differences".

** The relationship between these two concepts is very clearly formulated by K. Seashore: "The term "capacity" denotes innate inclinations; the term "ability" is used to denote the acquired ability to use the corresponding "capacity"" (Seashore S. 1919) (Teplov B.M. 1985) [1].

4. Development of abilities. Consider the example of a professional basketball player. A person wants to become a professional NBA * basketball player. His innate abilities were manifested in his tall stature and good health. These opportunities may allow him to develop his basketball abilities. But don't his family (parents), socioeconomic status (SES) **, place of residence, school, coach, friends and finally, most importantly, his interest and desire to achieve success in this sport play a role? Otherwise, all tall people would-be basketball players. Therefore, not only his innate capacity (high growth and health) is important. The combination of social opportunities (appropriate environment) is also important. But even more important is the desire of the person himself to develop his abilities. When a person is tall, then it is not particularly difficult to discover the innate capacity for developing abilities in the area where height is important. But how can you find out about your innate capacity that cannot be detected externally?

* The NBA (National Basketball Association) is a professional basketball league in North America, particularly in the USA and Canada. It is one of the five major professional sports leagues in North America.

** SES - this indicator is a quantitative measure that includes income, profession, and education (length of education of the head of the family) (Levontin R. 1993) [3].

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