Chapter 14. Individuality and balance in life

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1. This [health and prosperity of the population, ed. author] applies both to modern Western culture, including its defining qualities of materialism and individualism, and to other cultures... (Eckersley R. 2006) [1].

2. There is a wide and growing gap between the de jure social status of people and their opportunities to become de facto individuals, that is, to control their destinies and choose the options they truly desire (Bauman 3. 2008) [2].

3. The defining significance of individualism. Without knowing your individuality, it is not possible to lead a balanced life or diet without harming your health. Individualism is the basis for a balanced life (fr. 14.2). Each of us differs from all other people in both hereditary and acquired characteristics: physique, biochemical composition, psyche, the structure of various systems, organs, and tissues, etc. [3, 4]. As an example, let's look at biochemical individuality:

• "Depending on the biochemical constitution, the body has individual needs for nutrients that provide the optimal [best, ed., author] mode of its functioning. Biochemical individuality plays an important role in the processes of normal life and the occurrence of various diseases" (author's italics) ( Kharitonov V.M. et al. 2008) [3].

Another example related to the organs of the body, the gastrointestinal tract, will show individuality in the microbiome * of our intestines:

• "All people on Earth have the same number of genes, but everyone's microbiomes are different. ... We already know that our personal [individual, ed., author] set of bacteria helps us digest food, absorb medications, activate the immune system. These bacteria play a role in the development of several diseases, especially affecting the intestines. ... The range of species and strains of bacteria can vary greatly from person to person" (author's italics) (Terney J. 2016) [5].

As the findings of scientists show, each of us needs an individual diet to be healthy and avoid various diseases. Of course, an individual approach is important for maintaining a person's entire lifestyle, and not just nutrition alone. What prevents an individual from approaching a balanced life or diet?

* Microbiome is a living microcosm consisting of a colossal number and diversity of bacteria, microbes, viruses, fungi, and other single-celled microorganisms (according to various estimates from 30 to 400 trillion) that live in humans - mainly in the intestines. They form complex and changing communities as they interact with our cells. The microbiome is responsible for many processes in the human body: it produces essential vitamins and many other nutrients, breaks down toxins and metabolizes drugs, influences hormones and the immune system, and many other processes not yet known to science [5].

 The microbiome is responsible for many processes in the human body: it produces essential vitamins and many other nutrients, breaks down toxins and metabolizes drugs, influences hormones and the immune system, and many other processes not yet kno...

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4. Obstacles to individualism. However, on the path to knowing one's individuality, two difficult and interrelated obstacles arise. One of them is that to acquire this knowledge, the ability to think is important, which is lost in Western culture with its materialistic worldview. Another obstacle is the inability to take advantage of the possibilities of one's individuality due to the shaping influence of Western culture. The good news is that understanding the relationship between the two obstacles will help you overcome them.

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