Y/n L/n

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Name: Y/n L/n

Gender: female

Nationality: half German, half Russian

Birthday: your choice

Age: 16

Weight: you're beautiful 😘

Height: has to be 5'5 for the story 😔 sorry not sorry 😫

Likes: playing/ babysitting her little cousins, investigating abandoned/ haunted places, your hobbies/likes

Dislikes: rapists, lying, betrayal, bullies, when someone hurts or insults her family, your dislikes


Y/N was born in Russia, where she spent the first four years of her life. After that, her family moved to Germany due to her father's job. They lived there for six years before relocating again, this time to Brazil. The reason behind their move remains a mystery even to Y/N herself.

Despite being surrounded by different cultures and languages, Y/N struggled to adapt fully. She felt out of place everywhere she went, unable to connect with others on a deeper level for not knowing to speak the language. This isolation only intensified when they finally settled down in Tokyo after her father and mother landed another job opportunity. Here, she was home-schooled by Isabella and Alex while occasionally attending language classes at a language classes at a local community center, after she was sure that she can speak the language, she decided that it was her time to shine.

It's for the plot of the story.

Typical my life with travel there and there 🙁


Your choice 😉

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Your choice 😉

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