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It was already getting late, you were already getting tired which it didn't go unnoticed by them.

"It's getting late already, shall I escort you back home?" Mitsuya offered you a ride home with a friendly smile.

"If it's not a problem, then I don't mind." You accept his offer earning groans in defeat from the others but a victory smile on Mitsuya's face.

"Then allow me to escort you to my bike, miss." He said in a playful manner offering his hand for you to take as it earned a chuckle from you and gladly accept it as you both walk to his bike parked nearby here.

'Now suck it losers.' Mitsuya thought with a smirk as he helped you hop on his bike before getting himself on as he then gave the others a last glance with a face that says. 'Look who is driving with me?' And then drives off leaving them there fuming in jealousy and anger. 'That lucky bastard.' They all thought as they stayed fuming at the fact that Mitsuya stole you away from them.

Mitsuya's POV

Having her arms around my waist and her breasts pressed against my back is the world's most best feeling ever. My blush couldn't even leave my face feeling her body heat against mine. 'I can't believe she wanted to ride with me. I thought she would decline and go with Mikey or Draken. But it looks like fate is on my side.'

"So uhh Y/n...since when did you met Mikey and Draken?" I decided to break the silence as I drove in peace with her.

She looked directly into my eyes with her beautiful e/c and her cheeks red like always as if it's natural of her. 'Maybe because of the cold weather out here.'

"I met Mikey and Draken yesterday," She replied, her voice slightly raised to be heard over the noise of the engine. "I was waiting for my ride, and they approached me. We ended up talking and hanging out for a while." her warm breath tickling the back of my neck. 'Oh my god! SHE BREATHED ON ME!'

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips.

As we rode through the night, the sound of the engine and the wind rushing past us created a comforting ambiance. The streets were quiet, illuminated only by the occasional streetlights, casting a soft glow on our surroundings.

As we approached her place, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment that our time together was coming to an end. I parked the bike near her doorstep and turned off the engine, looking at her with a mix of reluctance and anticipation.

"Well, here we are," I said, trying to hide my disappointment behind a smile. "Your castle awaits."

She chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Thank you for the ride, Mitsuya. It was really fun and unexpected."

I nodded, feeling a rush of warmth at her words. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time too."

She gives me my helmet back and I turn around to get on my bike until it starts to rain heavenly.

"Um, Mitsuya..." she began, her voice slightly hesitant. "Would you like to come in for a bit? Maybe we can continue our conversation from earlier. I can't let you out in the rain and catch a cold because of me."

My heart skipped a beat at her invitation, and I couldn't hide my surprise. "Really? I mean, I'd love to, if you're okay with it."

She smiled warmly, stepping closer to me. "Of course I am. I enjoy talking to you, and it's still early. Plus, I don't want to say goodbye just yet."

A surge of excitement coursed through me as I followed her inside. Her place was cozy and welcoming, reflecting her personality. We settled on the couch. 'So this is where she lives? Interesting.'

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