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Your POV

As I walk out of the classroom, my classmate, Kokonoi, is by my side. Suddenly, I hear a voice calling out to us from behind. „Hey Koko!"

We both turn around to see a guy with sunflower looking blonde head and a noticeable burnt mark on his left eye. He makes eye contact with me causing his cheeks to flush slightly. He kept staring at me for a prolonged period before Kokonoi snaps him out of his thoughts.

„Hey Іnuрі." Kokonoi says his name with a hint of venom in his voice. They glared at each other before I break the awkward situation.

"Who is this Kokonoi-chan?" I ask, tilting my head in curiosity. The guy, Inupi, turns his gaze towards me, moving closer until our bodies are almost touching. 'This is way too close.'

„I'm Inui seishu, but please call me Inupi and who might be you miss?" He asked me in a polite tone with a small smile and pink cheeks. I noticed Kokonoi let out a displeased "tsk" sound, but I didn't understand why. Unbeknownst to me, he was annoyed at the fact that Inupi was also interested in me, creating competition.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you, Inupi-chan," I introduced myself with a smile, extending my hand for a handshake. He accepted it with a strong yet gentle grip, and I couldn't help but notice how soft his hands were.

After a brief moment, we let go of each other's hands, and I turned to Kokonoi.

"Kokonoi-chan, are you okay?" I asked, noticing his displeased expression earlier.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied with a strained smile, but I could tell he was still annoyed.

"Can you guys escort me to the principal's office? I kind of forgot where it was in the first place," I ask them, hoping they would help me. Inuiri quickly replies, "Sure. Follow me."

I follow him along with Kokonoi to the principal's office, and we engage in a friendly conversation, getting to know each other better. We reach the principal's office, and I thank them for their help.

"Thanks for escorting me here," I say with a smile.

I thank them and bow, "Thank you for your help."

Kokonoi smirks and says, "Anything pretty~"

Inui glares at him before turning his attention back to me. "A pleasure to help such an angel like yourself," he says, grabbing my hand and bringing it closer to his mouth. He places a kiss on it before letting it go.

"Hopefully I'll see you again soon. Bye, angel," Inui says smoothly.

Kokonoi also kisses my hand and winks at me before they both take their leave, leaving me alone at the principal's office.

I take a deep breath and enter, "Hello, Mr. Rengoku. What brings you here to my office," he greets me warmly.

"Oh, just Y/N is fine with me. I wanted to sign up for the music club. Is it available?" I ask, hoping that it's not too late to join.

I took a deep breath, composed myself, and entered the room.

"Hello, Miss L/N. What brings you to my office?" asked Mr. Rengoku, a kind and approachable man.

"Oh, Y/n is fine with me. I wanted to sign up for the music club. Is it available?" I asked politely, standing in front of his desk.

"Yes, it is. Here is the contract. Just write down your name and the room number is 23," he replied, handing me the necessary paperwork. I filled it out and handed it back to him with a smile.

I grab a pen and sign my name on the contract, noticing that there are only a few other names listed. After I finish, I hand the paper back to Mr. Rengoku. "Then I'll be going. Thank you, Mr. Rengoku," I say with a happy tone, but also feeling a bit relieved.

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