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The next morning:

After Alex dropped you off at school, you walk in silence inside the school building. You have already got a new school uniform but not a phone yet. You're still hoping that the Principal is taking care of it for you. Last night happened a lot. First: when you got home, you found a lot of notes lying on your nightstand with roses saying; 'missed me, princess?' 'why aren't you replying to my texts? :(' 'I brought you your favorite flowers'

second: you found South's phone in his jacket that he gifted you, you only turned it on to see him getting a lot of messages from his 'friends' who you think were his friends, and also some messages from a group chat called 'Rokuhara Tendai'. Cool name you thought. You didn't read them since it would count as invading privacy,

and thirdly: you felt you were being watched while sleeping. It felt as if someone else was sleeping with you on the same bed as you were sleeping. Could it be your kind playing tricks on you? Who knows?

You walk up the stairs to the second floor. Only the sound of your footsteps and your breathing was heard with no one in sight. Finally reaching your classroom, you knock gently three times and wait for the teacher to say "Come in" but nothing is heard, you knock again to make sure they heard you, and yet again no answer. Confused you tried to open the door but couldn't due to it being locked. 'Locked? Am I too early or something?'

"What's going on? I'm sure I'm on time," you question yourself confused, letting go of the door handle.

"I go ask Mr. Rengoku then, he must know the answer." You turn around and walk away while humming a lullaby to yourself softly, the one Isabella sings for you whenever you have nightmares or are in a bad mood.

Suddenly you are being pinned against the locker causing you to gasp sharply. You look up to see a blond girl with a piggy-tailed girl looking you in the eyes maniacally. "Look who we got here, if it isn't the miss hot girl wanna-be" she spoke teasingly, a smirk laced on her.

"W-who are you now?" you stammer out, feeling her breasts pressing against yours, it looks almost so gay, and anyone who would see it would think that we're making out.

She chuckles softly, still eyeing you. "You know..." she trailed her finger across your soft cheek gently. "I don't like the way you look way WAY better than me, but I can't do anything against it." she stopped caressing your cheek, now pulling you by your chin to make you look her in the eyes. "You stole my spotlight and my title as the popular girl in this school." she sneers at you, her grip on your chin tightening. "You think you're so special, don't you?" she hisses. "Coming here and stealing all the attention, acting like you're better than everyone else."

Then another girl with blond hair snickers, chiming in with her jab. "Yeah, who do you think you are? You're nothing but a nobody who got lucky."

You were getting annoyed but didn't show it. "Listen, I don't care-" She stopped me as she pressed her finger against my lips.

"Shhhh~. I didn't say you could talk, now did I?" She presses her finger against your lips, silencing you before you can even finish your sentence. This was pissing you off a bit.

"Get your hands off me, lady," you warned her, you were not joking though.

The other girl laughs quietly, her mouth curled up into a cruel smirk. "Oh, what's the matter?" the pigtails girl says smugly, her face lit up with an aura of superiority. "Too late to pull away? Are you going to be so rude as to push me off?" she continues to whisper, her breath brushing against your skin. "Don't forget who I am, princess."

She kept taunting you with her rude remarks and laughing while you were still trying to figure out if she was flirting or being rude.

The blond girl with the piggy tails grins and says, "I'm Mary, and this is my partner in crime, Veronica. We're the reigning queens of this school, and you're just a pathetic little wannabe trying to steal our spotlight."

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